Kamis, 18 Agustus 2011

What is life insurance?

What is life insurance? Before we explore much about understanding what life insurance was first let's look at Article 302 KUHDagang as basic life insurance, which states that:

"If someone can be for purposes of a person with an interest, insured, both for his life the soul, good for a time specified in the agreement."

Understanding life insurance under Section 302 KUHDagang as contained in the foregoing more stress to a time specified in life insurance. As for the time during his lifetime is not specified in the agreement, this means that the law does not expressly give the possibility to hold a life insurance during the life of the interested parties.

Apart from the definition / understanding formal contained in the legislation, there is also the opinion of legal experts also give the definition of life insurance in question. According to Djoko Carey and I Ketut Murtika cited daripendapat Molenggraf argues that, "Life insurance in the broadest sense includes all agreements regarding the payment of capital or the possibility of life or death, and rather than pay the premium or both by way of hanging on his life or death one or more. "

Then according Wirjono Prodjodikoro, in Article 1a of Chapter I Staatsblad 1941-101, understanding life insurance as follows: "life insurance agreement is an agreement about payment of money in favor of the premium and associated with life or death of a person as well as re-insurance agreement / money understanding / note that the agreement shall not include accident insurance agreement. "

Meanwhile, according to the HMN Purwosutjipto, "Life insurance coverage can be interpreted as the soul is a reciprocal agreement between the cover (decision) of insurance with the insurer with which the insurance cover bind themselves during the course of the coverage to pay premiums to the insurer, while insurer as a direct result of the death of the soul insured or the elapse of a period of time has been agreed upon bind themselves to pay a certain amount of money to the audience. "

Then according to Volmar, mention it with the term life coverage sommen verzekering, argues that: "Broadly sommen verzekering can be construed as an agreement where one party to bind himself to pay a sum of money at once or periodically, while the parties commit themselves to pay the premiums and payments it is life or death depends on the particular person or more. "

That's some sense of life insurance under the legislation in force in Indonesia coupled with the definition of life insurance, according to some experts and specialists. Hopefully you can add insight about life insurance.

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