Jumat, 19 Agustus 2011
Fruit Plant Efficacious In Alqur; an
Fruits and plants are undoubtedly has benefits for human life, especially for kesehatan.banyak research proving the benefits of the fruit or plants for your health but some are directly given their statements through the hadith Alaqur'an and some of them
1.buah olive
Health benefits of this fruit, among others, preventing weak bones, avoiding senility to lower cholesterol, strengthen gums, digestion, and prevent various types of merit overcome kanker.Daunnya fever, numbness, and ulceration.
Qs.Annur verse 35
''God the giver of light to the sky and bumi.Perumpaan His light, like a hole that is not transparent, in which there besar.Pelita lamp inside a glass tube and the glass tube is like a glittering star, which is lit with oil from the tree endowed, the olive tree that grows not in the east nor west, whose oil it is almost almost luminous, though no fire touched ,,,,,
Health benefits of ginger such as anti-microbial, anti-depressant, anti-tumor cure dry cough, hives, blisters, burns, snake bites, and increase endurance.
QS.Al Insaan (76) verses 17-20
"In heaven they will be given to drink a glass of drink mixed with ginger, spring water from a river called salsabil.dan they are surrounded by a young maid servant who stays young .."
Dates are very rich in calcium and iron elements, therefore it is recommended to be consumed by women hamil.selain it can strengthen the liver function, stamina, and eradicate the worms in the body.
Qs.Yaasin (36) verses 34-35
"And we made him the earth's gardens and palm groves anggur.dan our eyes radiate her some water so they could eat of the fruit, and from the results of their efforts mereka.Mengapa hands ungrateful"?
Black 4.Jintan
The benefits of black cumin (Seed), of which can remove gas from the body, to cure fever, shortness of breath, prevent dandruff and hair loss, treating leprosy, and helps the healing process of bronchial asthma.
(Bukhari Muslim)
"You ought to consume black cumin, since it contains a cure for all diseases except death"
4 Tips Healthy Living ALA RASULLULLOH
There are 4 (four) things that must be taken to ensure that health is maintained by dividing it in accordance with section baik.Saya part of the Human Health Issues related to that is:
1.Banyak Move (move)
Smooth movement of the body causes the blood circulation, and accelerate the spread of nerve impulses to parts of the body or vice versa, so the body if the body is always bugar.sebaliknya rare move will lead to obesity that can result in diseases like high blood pressure disease or diabetes for example.
Many people argue that, for healthy olahrga routinely required but actually if the job every day we have a lot of moves, providing a special time for exercise can be a problem in itself again So nantinya.Namun if you work more hours a day stuck in front of a computer, or field is more administrative in office, it needs a special time for exercise when your mind is very dibutuhkan.apalagi sdh mumet aka sport is a way out that can make you fresh and healthy.
But keep in mind, too many moves you will also need plenty of rest. Get used to break regularly 7-8 hours at night, and do not often stay up or sleep too malam.yang most important thing is to balance sports, daily activities and rest.
2.Menjaga personal hygiene and the Environment
Clean environment in the home, yard, and residential complexes to give it a fresh and nyaman.Selain also avoid polluted air, such as cigarette smoke, fumes or debu.Bersihkan home and work space regularly, including furniture, fans and AC.Lingkungan the net is able to prevent diseases associated with respiratory problems, irritation, skin infections, allergies dust.
A good stress 3.Manajemen
Mind is closely related to activities conducted, because Everyone activity every day, and always have problems problems in its activities. If we are unable to control thoughts and feelings as a result of the activities we do with managing stress well, will reduce the power of the immune system work tubuh.dan in turn facilitate the attack of the disease.
many ways you can do to manage stress so that you can be well managed them is by taking time to relax, worship (prayer), hanging out with people who think and behave positively, or do hobbies that are useful.
4.Kontrol Your Consumption
Consumption as Food and Beverage is something that we put into our bodies kita.Jika substances include substances that are beneficial to the performance in our body, the body will become more healthy, as well as vice versa, if we often include substances harmful substances strength will decrease.
For that is required consumption of nutritious and balanced menu, choose the menu with adequate nutrition, balanced, and bervariasi.Perbanyak consumption of green vegetables and fruits that contain lots of fiber and nutrients the body needs. Avoid junk foods and processed foods, and reduce consumption of excessive salt and sugar.
In addition many are drinking water, Get used to drink 8-10 glasses of water per day will help maintain the smooth functioning of the kidneys and urinary tract.
Water is the best of apapun.jeruk drink lemon or lime juice is also good to refresh the body, while helping remove toxins from the body
Also do not forget to avoid the habit of using tobacco, drinking alcohol, smoking is clinically proven health hazard, especially related to respiratory problems, lung misalnya.sedangkan hard minuman2 can harm the liver function.
1.Banyak Move (move)
Smooth movement of the body causes the blood circulation, and accelerate the spread of nerve impulses to parts of the body or vice versa, so the body if the body is always bugar.sebaliknya rare move will lead to obesity that can result in diseases like high blood pressure disease or diabetes for example.
Many people argue that, for healthy olahrga routinely required but actually if the job every day we have a lot of moves, providing a special time for exercise can be a problem in itself again So nantinya.Namun if you work more hours a day stuck in front of a computer, or field is more administrative in office, it needs a special time for exercise when your mind is very dibutuhkan.apalagi sdh mumet aka sport is a way out that can make you fresh and healthy.
But keep in mind, too many moves you will also need plenty of rest. Get used to break regularly 7-8 hours at night, and do not often stay up or sleep too malam.yang most important thing is to balance sports, daily activities and rest.
2.Menjaga personal hygiene and the Environment
Clean environment in the home, yard, and residential complexes to give it a fresh and nyaman.Selain also avoid polluted air, such as cigarette smoke, fumes or debu.Bersihkan home and work space regularly, including furniture, fans and AC.Lingkungan the net is able to prevent diseases associated with respiratory problems, irritation, skin infections, allergies dust.
A good stress 3.Manajemen
Mind is closely related to activities conducted, because Everyone activity every day, and always have problems problems in its activities. If we are unable to control thoughts and feelings as a result of the activities we do with managing stress well, will reduce the power of the immune system work tubuh.dan in turn facilitate the attack of the disease.
many ways you can do to manage stress so that you can be well managed them is by taking time to relax, worship (prayer), hanging out with people who think and behave positively, or do hobbies that are useful.
4.Kontrol Your Consumption
Consumption as Food and Beverage is something that we put into our bodies kita.Jika substances include substances that are beneficial to the performance in our body, the body will become more healthy, as well as vice versa, if we often include substances harmful substances strength will decrease.
For that is required consumption of nutritious and balanced menu, choose the menu with adequate nutrition, balanced, and bervariasi.Perbanyak consumption of green vegetables and fruits that contain lots of fiber and nutrients the body needs. Avoid junk foods and processed foods, and reduce consumption of excessive salt and sugar.
In addition many are drinking water, Get used to drink 8-10 glasses of water per day will help maintain the smooth functioning of the kidneys and urinary tract.
Water is the best of apapun.jeruk drink lemon or lime juice is also good to refresh the body, while helping remove toxins from the body
Also do not forget to avoid the habit of using tobacco, drinking alcohol, smoking is clinically proven health hazard, especially related to respiratory problems, lung misalnya.sedangkan hard minuman2 can harm the liver function.
Maintaining Health ala RASULULLAH
During his life rarely exposed penyakit.hal Rasullulah is because he is always on guard kesehatannya.Sebagai umatya we need to follow the example of his attitude is to always sound like he
Let's Follow the recipe he following in Maintaining Health:
1. MORNING WAKE UP before dawn
Rasululah Muhammad always wake up before dawn, praying and praying sunnah Fardhu, morning prayers in congregation. Terms of health and this contributes to:
- Freshness of the morning air yg good for health / treatment of TB disease
- Strengthen your mind and nourish the feeling
The Apostle always always neat & clean, every Thursday or Friday, he washes the fine hairs on the cheek, always cut the nails, use a comb and oily active wangi.Dengan hygiene then the body will be spared from bacteria and viruses that can attack health.
Food Portion 3.Menjaga
Word of the Apostle: "We are a folk who do not eat before we eat when hungry and not too much (not to satiety)" (Agreed alaih)
In the human body there are 3 rooms for 3 objects: One-third for air, water and a third for the other third to one tarbiyyah makanan.Bahkan especially for Muslims in the Ramadan fasting to balance health.
The Apostle always walk to the Mosque, Market, jihad, visiting a friend's house, and sebagainya.Dengan walk, sweat will flow, the pores open and the blood circulation will run smoothly. This is important for preventing heart disease.
5. Not easily provoked
Prophet's advice: "Do not Angry" repeated 3 times. This menunujukkan nature of health and strength lies in jasadiyah Muslims are not alone, but beyond that is based on cleanliness and mental health. There is prompt treatment to resist angry:
- Change the position when angry, when standing then sitting, then lie down and when sitting
- Reading Ta 'awwudz, because anger is from Syaithon
- Immediately ablution
- Prayer 2 Rokaat to achieve peace and eliminate the anxiety heart
Optimistic attitude will give a profound psychological impact for the soul, so be patient spaciousness, istiqomah and work hard, and tawakal to Allah SWT.
To maintain the health of the stability of the heart & soul, then stay away from envy mentality is very appropriate preventive measures.
Let's Follow the recipe he following in Maintaining Health:
1. MORNING WAKE UP before dawn
Rasululah Muhammad always wake up before dawn, praying and praying sunnah Fardhu, morning prayers in congregation. Terms of health and this contributes to:
- Freshness of the morning air yg good for health / treatment of TB disease
- Strengthen your mind and nourish the feeling
The Apostle always always neat & clean, every Thursday or Friday, he washes the fine hairs on the cheek, always cut the nails, use a comb and oily active wangi.Dengan hygiene then the body will be spared from bacteria and viruses that can attack health.
Food Portion 3.Menjaga
Word of the Apostle: "We are a folk who do not eat before we eat when hungry and not too much (not to satiety)" (Agreed alaih)
In the human body there are 3 rooms for 3 objects: One-third for air, water and a third for the other third to one tarbiyyah makanan.Bahkan especially for Muslims in the Ramadan fasting to balance health.
The Apostle always walk to the Mosque, Market, jihad, visiting a friend's house, and sebagainya.Dengan walk, sweat will flow, the pores open and the blood circulation will run smoothly. This is important for preventing heart disease.
5. Not easily provoked
Prophet's advice: "Do not Angry" repeated 3 times. This menunujukkan nature of health and strength lies in jasadiyah Muslims are not alone, but beyond that is based on cleanliness and mental health. There is prompt treatment to resist angry:
- Change the position when angry, when standing then sitting, then lie down and when sitting
- Reading Ta 'awwudz, because anger is from Syaithon
- Immediately ablution
- Prayer 2 Rokaat to achieve peace and eliminate the anxiety heart
Optimistic attitude will give a profound psychological impact for the soul, so be patient spaciousness, istiqomah and work hard, and tawakal to Allah SWT.
To maintain the health of the stability of the heart & soul, then stay away from envy mentality is very appropriate preventive measures.
Personal Accident Takaful program
Personal Accident Takaful
Personal Accident Takaful program set is a collection of some form of protection that is intended for companies, organizations or associations that intend to provide compensation to employees / members if the unfortunate accident in the agreement.
* If participants are destined to die in the agreement because of an accident, then the funds will be paid compensation ahliwarisnya died for the planned benefits of Takaful.
* If the participants of the unfortunate accident that resulted in the agreement participants total or partial permanent disability then the participant will be given the benefits of takaful in accordance with a predetermined percentage.
* If the participant lived until the agreement expires, the participants will gain the advantage over the Special Account / tabarru 'which is determined by PT Asuransi Takaful Family, if any.
* Maximum age 60 years Participants
* Benefits Takaful can be adapted to demand.
* Number of Participants at least 25 people
* Minimum premium for each set of Rp 500,000,
Personal Accident Takaful program set is a collection of some form of protection that is intended for companies, organizations or associations that intend to provide compensation to employees / members if the unfortunate accident in the agreement.
* If participants are destined to die in the agreement because of an accident, then the funds will be paid compensation ahliwarisnya died for the planned benefits of Takaful.
* If the participants of the unfortunate accident that resulted in the agreement participants total or partial permanent disability then the participant will be given the benefits of takaful in accordance with a predetermined percentage.
* If the participant lived until the agreement expires, the participants will gain the advantage over the Special Account / tabarru 'which is determined by PT Asuransi Takaful Family, if any.
* Maximum age 60 years Participants
* Benefits Takaful can be adapted to demand.
* Number of Participants at least 25 people
* Minimum premium for each set of Rp 500,000,
Kamis, 18 Agustus 2011
Tourism & Travel Takaful Program
Tourism & Travel Takaful Program is a program dedicated to Travel Agents and Tour / Travel wishing to provide protection to participants in an unfortunate accident which resulted in total permanent disability, partial or died during the tours and trips at home and abroad.
* If the participants of the unfortunate accident during the tours and trips that resulted in the participants:
o injured and need care physician / hospital, then the maintenance costs will be reimbursed by the magnitude of Takaful insurance is predetermined.
o experience total or partial permanent disability, then the participant will be given the benefits of takaful in accordance with a predetermined presentation.
o destined to die, to die ahliwarisnya will be given compensation for the planned benefits of Takaful.
* When all the participants of the collection is missing the claim (not an accident that led to the filing fee for taking care treatments, total permanent disability, partial or dead) until the agreement expires, the participant will gain the advantage of a special account / tabarru 'which determined by the Family Takaful Insurance, if any.
* Maximum age 60 years Participants
* Number of Participants at least 25 people
* Benefits Takaful can be adapted to demand.
* Minimum premium for each set of Rp 250,000, -
* Management Fee 30% of the premium.
* If the participants of the unfortunate accident during the tours and trips that resulted in the participants:
o injured and need care physician / hospital, then the maintenance costs will be reimbursed by the magnitude of Takaful insurance is predetermined.
o experience total or partial permanent disability, then the participant will be given the benefits of takaful in accordance with a predetermined presentation.
o destined to die, to die ahliwarisnya will be given compensation for the planned benefits of Takaful.
* When all the participants of the collection is missing the claim (not an accident that led to the filing fee for taking care treatments, total permanent disability, partial or dead) until the agreement expires, the participant will gain the advantage of a special account / tabarru 'which determined by the Family Takaful Insurance, if any.
* Maximum age 60 years Participants
* Number of Participants at least 25 people
* Benefits Takaful can be adapted to demand.
* Minimum premium for each set of Rp 250,000, -
* Management Fee 30% of the premium.
Takaful Al-Khairat program
Takaful Al-Khairat program is a form of protection which is applied to the collection if the party concerned ahliwarisnya destined to die in the agreement.
* If participants are destined to die during the agreement, then it will get the fund ahliwarisnya died of Family Takaful Insurance in accordance with the planned number of participants.
* If the participant lived until the agreement expires, the participants will gain the advantage over the Special Account / tabarru 'which is determined by PT Asuransi Takaful Family, if any.
* Age maximum 60 years in.
* Age + Period of Agreement signed 65-year maximum
* Number of Participants at least 25 people
* Benefits Takaful can be adapted to demand.
* Minimum premium for each set of Rp 500,000, -
Family Cash Plan (Family Care)
Family Cash Plan (Family Care)
Is a health insurance program for Inpatient family (husband-wife and children) or for a collection service (collectively) as companies, agencies, business entities, etc..
Although it does not include the cost of other health care costs (medicine, doctor, etc.) but at least it can ease the financing of insurance, especially if you have received health insurance benefits from another place, the office / company for example.
The benefits provided
• Cash Daily / daily Cash Plan
Giving Cash Daily, for participants undergoing inpatient in the hospital. Because of illness or accident.
• Death Benefit
Granting compensation when participants died due to illness or accident
• Permanent Total Disability Benefit
Granting compensation if participants experienced Permanent Total Disability due to illness or accident that can not carry out the work, hold office or any profession to earn
Other facilities provided between the Other
• No Medical Examination required in advance, participants are not bothered because it is not required to perform medical examinations (medical check-up)
• Warranty Replacement / can do double claim
meaning if you already have the replacement cost of hospitalization from elsewhere, then the benefits of this cash inpatient stay is given so that participants can do a double klaim.pada some health insurance benefits is not necessarily the thing to do.
• Free Select Hospital
Participants free to choose the hospital if the need to undergo hospitalization.
• Premium Table remains good for Male / female, and for each age level.
• Sharing
Participants can get to the result of the surplus funds when no claims are filed to the end
Table Benefits & Premium Takaful Family Care (Rupiah)
Is a health insurance program for Inpatient family (husband-wife and children) or for a collection service (collectively) as companies, agencies, business entities, etc..
Although it does not include the cost of other health care costs (medicine, doctor, etc.) but at least it can ease the financing of insurance, especially if you have received health insurance benefits from another place, the office / company for example.
The benefits provided
• Cash Daily / daily Cash Plan
Giving Cash Daily, for participants undergoing inpatient in the hospital. Because of illness or accident.
• Death Benefit
Granting compensation when participants died due to illness or accident
• Permanent Total Disability Benefit
Granting compensation if participants experienced Permanent Total Disability due to illness or accident that can not carry out the work, hold office or any profession to earn
Other facilities provided between the Other
• No Medical Examination required in advance, participants are not bothered because it is not required to perform medical examinations (medical check-up)
• Warranty Replacement / can do double claim
meaning if you already have the replacement cost of hospitalization from elsewhere, then the benefits of this cash inpatient stay is given so that participants can do a double klaim.pada some health insurance benefits is not necessarily the thing to do.
• Free Select Hospital
Participants free to choose the hospital if the need to undergo hospitalization.
• Premium Table remains good for Male / female, and for each age level.
• Sharing
Participants can get to the result of the surplus funds when no claims are filed to the end
Table Benefits & Premium Takaful Family Care (Rupiah)
Health Insurance FulMedicare
Health Insurance FulMedicare
The program is comprehensive health insurance program for the collection service (collectively) as companies, agencies, business entities, etc..
FullMedicare is a health insurance program that provides insurance coverage for medical expenses and operating if the participant pain caused by disease or kecelakaan.Program is not limited to inpatient benefits.
Benefits / Guarantee
• Inpatient and Surgery Program
- The rooms and stay in hospital
- Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
- Cost of Hospital Care Aneka
- Cost of Surgery
- Cost of Surgery Room
- Cost of Anesthesia
- Visit a doctor at the hospital (for non-surgical treatments)
- Consultation specialists in hospitals
- Treatment before and after treatment in hospital
- The cost of ambulance
- Emergency Dental Treatment due to accidents
- Emergency Care
- Death Benefit
- Operation without hospitalization
- Consultations with General Practitioners
- Consultation with Specialists
- Drugs
- Supporting Diagnostic
- Consultations with General Practitioners and drug
- Physiotherapy
• Dental care Programs
- Consulting / Services Action Dentist
- Drugs
- Supporting Diagnostic
- Medical Action: Unplug, Tambal, root canal treatment, gum treatment, dental care coral, surgery, replacement dentures.
• Program Delivery
- Normal Childbirth
- Delivery with Operation
- Miscarriage
• Glasses
- Lenses
- Frame / Frame
Conditions of Participation
1. Permanent employees and or their family (wife / husband and son Employees)
2. At the registered candidates for the aged at least 15 days and a maximum of 55 years
3. At the time of registration was not hospitalized in any hospital
Reduction of Participants
Participants who have come out can not be replaced by new participants and no return of premium (premium refund), unless the participants have not used the benefit and have not passed the limits of contract.
Addition of New Participant
The addition of new participants at the ongoing coverage period is only permitted for new employees and their families. Addition of new participants from the participants who have already registered, then the package must not exceed the election of the labor provisions of the package.
Claims Procedure
1. Any claims filed will be completed no later than 14 (fourteen) working days from the date of receipt of the claim in full by the claims of PT Asuransi Takaful Family
2. Claims submitted no later than 1 (one) month after the date of hospitalization
3. Claims filed must be attached:
- Claim Form
- Resume of the treating physician medical
- The account number of participants (for ease of payment of claims)
- Receipt and the recapitulation of the original cost of care and details
- Attach a letter from the hospital of birth known
- The certificate of the cause of the accident from the competent authority (especially in case of traffic accident)
For More Information Contact 081388570813/proteksisyariah @ gmail.com
The program is comprehensive health insurance program for the collection service (collectively) as companies, agencies, business entities, etc..
FullMedicare is a health insurance program that provides insurance coverage for medical expenses and operating if the participant pain caused by disease or kecelakaan.Program is not limited to inpatient benefits.
Benefits / Guarantee
• Inpatient and Surgery Program
- The rooms and stay in hospital
- Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
- Cost of Hospital Care Aneka
- Cost of Surgery
- Cost of Surgery Room
- Cost of Anesthesia
- Visit a doctor at the hospital (for non-surgical treatments)
- Consultation specialists in hospitals
- Treatment before and after treatment in hospital
- The cost of ambulance
- Emergency Dental Treatment due to accidents
- Emergency Care
- Death Benefit
- Operation without hospitalization
- Consultations with General Practitioners
- Consultation with Specialists
- Drugs
- Supporting Diagnostic
- Consultations with General Practitioners and drug
- Physiotherapy
• Dental care Programs
- Consulting / Services Action Dentist
- Drugs
- Supporting Diagnostic
- Medical Action: Unplug, Tambal, root canal treatment, gum treatment, dental care coral, surgery, replacement dentures.
• Program Delivery
- Normal Childbirth
- Delivery with Operation
- Miscarriage
• Glasses
- Lenses
- Frame / Frame
Conditions of Participation
1. Permanent employees and or their family (wife / husband and son Employees)
2. At the registered candidates for the aged at least 15 days and a maximum of 55 years
3. At the time of registration was not hospitalized in any hospital
Reduction of Participants
Participants who have come out can not be replaced by new participants and no return of premium (premium refund), unless the participants have not used the benefit and have not passed the limits of contract.
Addition of New Participant
The addition of new participants at the ongoing coverage period is only permitted for new employees and their families. Addition of new participants from the participants who have already registered, then the package must not exceed the election of the labor provisions of the package.
Claims Procedure
1. Any claims filed will be completed no later than 14 (fourteen) working days from the date of receipt of the claim in full by the claims of PT Asuransi Takaful Family
2. Claims submitted no later than 1 (one) month after the date of hospitalization
3. Claims filed must be attached:
- Claim Form
- Resume of the treating physician medical
- The account number of participants (for ease of payment of claims)
- Receipt and the recapitulation of the original cost of care and details
- Attach a letter from the hospital of birth known
- The certificate of the cause of the accident from the competent authority (especially in case of traffic accident)
For More Information Contact 081388570813/proteksisyariah @ gmail.com
Individual Health Services
Individual Health Services
Health insurance program intended for individuals who intend to provide a fund Inpatient and surgery when Participants illness or accident during the term of this perjanjian.Asuransi 1 (one) year and can be rolled back.
Judging from its function as a financial protection against health problems the individual insurance is suitable for protection from diseases that require hospital care such as fever berdarah.dana thypus and the protection afforded could be given up to 10 million rupiah.
Health insurance program is pure protection without the frills investments, as well as with the short time frame (only one year and renewable), so it is very helpful in protecting the health of individuals with a relatively affordable premiums as well as in financial planning.
49 Critical Illness That could thwart Financial Planning
49 Critical Illness That could thwart Financial Planning
Posted by Andi A. Fadilah on 01:03 / /
One cause that can make financial planning a family becomes uncertain or mess is caused by the disease kritis.bisa imagined when critical illness strikes, most will not come out of funds for treatments and cures for tens to hundreds of millions of dollars.
to anticipate the losses caused by critical illness protection then Takafulink Hail losses that could be used to help cure and treatment of diseases caused by critical kritis.Penyakit to be given protection are as follows;
1. Heart Attack First
Infarction as the heart muscle due to lack of blood supply to the heart. Diagnostic criteria that must be met at the time of the attack is having to meet the 3 criteria of 5 criteria below which correspond to the first diagnosis of heart attack:
a.Adanya typical chest pain during an attack;
b.Terjadinya picture electrocardiogram changes typical for early-stage and Myocardial Infarction;
c.Terjadinya increase in the levels of cardiac enzyme CK-MB;
d.Terjadinya increased troponin (T or I);
e.Left Ventricular Ejection fraction less than 50% (fifty percent) that lasted for 3 months or more after the attack.
2 Stroke
Any cerebrovascular attack, which resulted in permanent neurological symptoms, which lasted more than 24 (twenty four) hours, including infarction of brain tissue, cerebral hemorrhage, thrombosis or embolization. This diagnosis must be supported by some of the conditions mentioned below:
a.Bukti permanent neurological deficit must be enforced by a physician neurologist and symptoms last for at least 6 weeks after the attack.
b.Penemuan of magnetic resonance imaging examination, computerized tomography, or other imaging techniques examination in accordance with a new diagnosis of stroke.
Diseases that are excluded:
a.Transient ischemic Attacks;
b.Kerusakan brain caused by an accident or injury, infection, vasculitis, and inflammatory disease;
c.Penyakit blood vessels that affects the eye and the eye nerve;
d.Gangguan ischemic from the vestibular system
3. Coronary Heart Operation
Operation by opening the chest wall, to perform operations on one or more arteries of the heart due to narrowing or blockage in the arteries. Angiographic Diagnosis is based on showing the presence of significant coronary artery blockage and the procedure for it to be based on the considerations made by the cardiologist.
Excluding the technique does not require surgery, such as angioplasty or laser.
4. Heart Valve Replacement Operation
With open heart surgery to replace or repair heart valves as a result of damage to heart valves. Diagnosis of abnormal heart valves, must be established by cardiac catheterization or echocardiogram and examination procedures must be based on the considerations made by the cardiologist.
5. Cancer
The disease is characterized by the presence of malignant tumors caused by uncontrolled cell growth and spread of malignant tumor cells and the invasion of tissue. Diagnosis must be confirmed by pemberiksaan tissue and diagnosed by Oncologist or pathologist. Diseases that are excluded:
Carsinoma situ and tumors that histologically describe precancerous or noninvasive, including this case is Carsinoma In Situ breast, cervical dysplasia CIN 1, CIN 2 and CIN 3.
Hyperkeratoses, basal cell and squamous cell skin cancer, and melanoma with a thickness of less than 1.5 mm Breslow, or less than Clark Level 3 unless there is evidence of spread;
Cancer Prostate gland which is based on examination of tissues as well as the TNM classification T1a or T1b or cancer of the prostate gland under the same classification or classification Lesser, T1N0M0 Papillary thyroid microcarcinoma with a diameter of less than 1 cm, microcarsinoma papillary bladder, and Chronic Leukemia Lynphocytic less of RAI stage 3; and
All tumors caused by HIV infection.
Included is a leukemia (other than lymphotic leukemia), malignant tumors of all organs except for all skin tumors (other than melanoma malignum) and benign tumors and cancers in situ are not insured in this Additional Coverage.
6. Kidney Failure
End stage renal failure, which is shown as a second functioning kidney failure chronic and can not recover, so it requires regular kidney dialysis or kidney transplantation.
7. Paralysis
Loss of function of at least two hands or two feet, or one arm and one leg, a total and permanent, and takes place continuously for at least 6 weeks. This condition must be enforced by a physician neurologist. Intentional injuries inflicted by the self-excluded from this disease.
8. Multiple Sclerosis
A disease that causes damage to the central nervous system that causes progressive damage to the brain and brain stem. Without a doubt a definite diagnosis by a physician neurologist who asserts such a combination: the symptoms that led to the fibers (white substance) which includes the optic nerve, brainstem, and spinal cord, resulting in deficits neorologis; and has been going on for at least 6 months which results in impaired motor coordination and sensory function. The data support the existence of recurrent and the onset of symptoms or neurological deficit.
Damage to the nervous system caused by other causes such as SLE and HIV are excluded from this disease.
9. Vital Body Organ Transplant
Operating experience as a transplant recipient from:
- Human bone marrow (haematopoitic stem cells) are preceded by total bone marrow ablation; or
- One of the organs of humans are: kidney, heart, liver, and lungs, pancreas, as a result of the failure of the final stage of the functions of these organs.
Stem Cell Transplantation others are excluded from this disease.
10. Alzheimer Disease / Organic Degenerative Brain Disorders which are not recovered.
Deterioration or loss of intellectual abilities or behavioral abnormalities as evidenced by clinical circumstances and questionnaires or tests acceptable standard of Alzheimer's disease or organic degenerative brain disorders that can not be recovered, resulting in decreased mental function and a real social so that the necessary oversight continuously against the insured. The occurrence of progressive degeneration of anterior horn cells of the spinal cord (lower motor neuron lesion), kortiko spinal tract (upper motor neuron lesions) and brainstem motor nuclei. Diagnosis should be clinically confirmed by the appropriate specialists appointed by the Insurer. Excluded diseases:
- Non-Organic diseases such as neurosis and psychosis, mental illness.
- Damage to the brain due to alcohol use.
11. Coma
Unconscious without any reaction or response to external stimuli or internal needs ongoing and require life support equipment including a respirator should be used for at least 96 (ninety six) hours. Permanent neurological deficits and there must be continuously sustained for at least 42 days. Coma caused directly by alcohol or drug abuse was an exception.
12. Parkinson's Disease
Definite diagnosis of Parkinson's disease without a doubt Idiopatic given by a physician and neurologist recommended by doctors Insurer where the state of the insured can not be controlled with medication; showed signs of progressive damage. This coverage is only for idiopathic Parkinson's disease only. All other forms of Parkinson's are not included in this coverage.
Inability to perform daily activities with or without assistive devices at least 3 of 6 activities of daily living and inability to take place continuously for at least 6 months.
Activities of daily activities:
- Bath
- Dress
- Switching places from one place to another
- Moving from one place to another
- Toileting (use of the Small Room)
- Eat
Parkinson's is caused by the use of drugs excluded from this disease.
13. Terminal Illness
In end-stage condition or disease suffered by the insured based on the diagnosis of the examining physician, and it has been approved by the Insurer doctors predict that the life expectancy of the insured is less than 12 months.
Terminal Illness caused by HIV infection are excluded from this disease.
14. Chronic Lung Disease / End Stage
Lung diseases including late stage lung disease intersisial caused by the disease with chronic respiratory failure.
Diagnosis is by pulmonary specialists and must meet the symptom or evidence mentioned below:
- Requires extensive oxygen therapy and permanent.
- FEV1 test results must be less than 1 liter.
- Analysis of arterial blood gases with oxygen partial pressures 55 mmHg or less (PaO2 <55 mmHg). - Shortness of breath at rest. 15. Chronic Liver Disease The final stage of liver disease characterized by all of the following: a. Permanent yellow b. Ascites c. Hepatic encephalopathy Chronic liver disease due to alcohol and drugs not included in this additional coverage. 16. Motor Neuron Disease A definitive diagnosis without a doubt on Motor Neuron Diseases caused by progressive degeneration of the brain stem and anterior horn cells or bulbar efferent neurons including spinal muscular atrophy, progressive bulbar palsy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and primary lateral sclerosis. And supported by conclusive evidence of the signs and neurological deficits that persist and approved by doctors Insurer. And the diagnosis must be upheld by a physician neurologist. 17. Muscular Dystrophy A collection of hereditary muscle degeneration disease that causes weakness or atrophy of muscles. Diagnosis should be established with certainty by a physician neurologist, and such proof must be based on the assessment of daily activities confirmed the inability of the Insured to perform daily activities with or without help, at least 3 of 6 daily activities lasting at least 6 months . Activities of daily activities: - Bath - Dress - Switching places from one place to another - Moving from one place to another - Toileting (use of the Small Room) - Eat 18. Anemia Aplastis Functioning of the bone marrow fails to chronic and persistent resulting in anemia, neutropenia and thrombocytopenia requiring at least one of the treatments below: a. Transfusion b. Bone marrow-stimulating drugs c. Immunosuppressive drugs d. Bone marrow transplantation Diagnosis should be enforced by a specialist blood (Haemotologist). 19. Vessels operating Aorta The operation is done to improve vessel disease, aneurysms of the aorta, narrowing, blockage requiring excision and diseased aortic replacement surgery by opening the abdominal cavity or chest cavity. The aorta is meant by this definition is thorakalis and abdominal aorta does not include branches of the aorta. Surgery that is minimally invasive or intra-arterial techniques are exempt from this provision. 20. Fulminant hepatitis Liver failure as a result of massive death parenchym submasif or liver caused by hepatitis virus. Fulminant hepatitis due to suicide attempts, poisoning, overdose due to the use of illicit drugs and excessive alcohol levels are exempt from this additional coverage. Diagnostic criteria that must exist: - Shrinking the heart quickly. - The death of heart parenchym covering almost the entire liver lobe. And cause damage to the reticular and function. - Liver function tests showing the presence of massive liver damage parenchym. - Icterus real. - Hepatic encephalopathy. 21. Primary Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Primary Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension disease showing enlargement of right ventricle is made by clinical examination, cardiac catheterization, which causes permanent physical impairment and based on the Classification Cardiac Impairment The New York Heart Association (NYHA) class IV includes a minimum of (Unable to do any physical activity symptoms The symptoms can occur at rest). 22. Bacterial Meningitis Meningitis bacteria that cause inflammation of the lining of the brain or spinal cord so that the occurrence of permanent neurological disability and lasted at least 6 weeks. Where the diagnosis should be confirmed by a neurologist doctor, and get a bacterial infection in the cerebrospinal fluid obtained from lumbar puncture. 23. Benign Brain Tumor The threat of life caused by brain tumors are not cancer causing brain damage and specific symptoms of increased pressure within the skull such as papilloedema (swelling papill), mental disorders, insanity and sensory disorders that have been confirmed by doctors neurologist. The existence of an underlying tumor should be confirmed by CT scan or MRI. Cysts, granulomas, or deformity of the artery or vein from the brain (AVM), hematoma, and tumor pituitary gland or spine are exempt from this disease. 24. Encephalitis Diagnosis of inflammation of the brain (cerebral hemisphere, brainstem or cerebellum) resulting from viral infections, which cause significant complications that lasted for at least 6 weeks, including permanent neurological deficit / settled and confirmed by a physician neurologist. Permanent neurological deficits / mental retardation can be settled, emotional instability, visual disturbances, hearing loss, speech disturbances, weakness or paralysis. Inflammation of the brain caused by HIV infection are excluded from this disease. 25. Burn Third degree burns (the skin layer) at least 20% (twenty percent) of body surface area. 26. Poliomyelitis The disease is characterized by: - Polio virus is the cause, and - Paralysis of limbs or muscles that cause respiratory muscle Insured can not do 3 (three) of five (5) activities of daily living for at least 3 (three) months. 27. Serious Head Trauma Accidents that cause injuries to the head resulting in permanent neurological deficits arising less than 6 (six) weeks since the accident occurred so that the insured can not do 3 (three) of five (5) activities of daily living for at least 6 (six) months. This diagnosis should be enforced by the expert neurologist, supported by technical Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Computerized Tomography, or other recognized techniques. The accident must occur directly from outside the body is invisible and does not depend from another cause. Conditions below are exempt from this disease: - Injury / Trauma to the spinal cord, and - Injuries to the head due to other causes 28. Apallic Syndrome Overall damage to the brain cortex of the brain stem that is still normal. This diagnosis should be enforced by an expert neurologist and conditions of this disease should take place continuously at least 1 (one) month. 29. Other Coronary Heart Disease A Serious The narrowing of one coronary artery with a minimum of 75 & (seventy five percent) and 2 (two) other coronary arteries with a minimum of 60% (sixty percent) as evidenced by coronary arteriography, regardless of whether the operation was performed or not. Coronary artery in question is the Left Main Coronary Artery (LC), Left Anterior Descending Artery (LAD), circumflex artery and the Right Coronary Artery (RC). 30. Angioplasty and other invasive management for Coronary Heart Disease Limitation of benefit payments are 10% of Total Sum Insured Critical Illness or maximum not more than Rp. 200 million, or $ 50,000 after the insured perform angioplasty or intra-arterial ballooning catheter procedure to treat narrowing of the coronary arteries of at least 60% of one or more coronary arteries from angiographic major evidenced. Revascularisasi should be as indicated and consultant cardiologist or heart specialist physicians. Coronary artery in question is the Left Main Coronary Artery (LC), Left Anterior Descending Artery (LAD), circumflex artery and the Right Coronary Artery (RC). Payment of the benefits mentioned above for the disease is only performed one time only and the rest of the benefits that exist for other supplemental insurance Critical illness will continue with the remaining 90% (ninety percent) of the Total Sum Insured Critical Illness. Diagnostic action with angioplasty are exempt from this disease. 31. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus) Multisystemic autoimmune diseases and multifactorial characterized by increased auto-antibodies that attack the body's various antigens. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus types covered in the benefits of Additional Insured is limited to the kinds of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus involving the kidneys (Class III to Class IV Lupus Nephritis, which is confirmed by renal biopsy, and according to the WHO classification). Not included in critical illness claims Systemic Lupus Erythematosus is another type of lupus, which is kind of discoid lupus and other types that involve joints and hematologic systems. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus the diagnosis must be performed by a Physician Specialist Rheumatology and Immunology. WHO Classification of Lupus Nephritis: Class I: Minimal Change Glomerulonephritis Lupus Class II: Messangial Lupus Glomerulonephritis Class III: Focal Segmental Glomerulonephritis Lupus Proliverative Class IV: Diffuse proliferative Lupus Glomerulonephritis Class V: membranous Lupus Glomerulonephritis 32. The HIV Obtained Through Blood Transfusion and Works A. Insured infected by Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) through blood transfusion with the following conditions: 1. Blood transfusions were medically necessary and provided as part of treatment. 2. Blood transfusions carried out in Indonesia after the date the Policy applies, the policy change date or the date of recovery policy that whichever occurs last. 3. Infesi source ascertained from the institution that organizes blood transfusion and the agency can track the origin of blood infected with HIV, and 4. Insured not constitute or Haemophilia patients with Thalassaemia major. B. Infection Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) obtained from an accident occurring after the date of the Policy applies, or the date of the policy change or the date of recovery policy, whichever is most recent, during the Insured carry out the normal responsibilities of his job profession in Indonesia, following the evidence and the provisions exist in the company as follows: 1. HIV infections that arise due to the accident shall, within 30 (thirty) days from the date the accident occurred, and 2. Evidence that the accident was the cause of HIV infection, and 3. Evidence that sero-conversion from HIV negative to HIV positive occurred in 180 (one hundred eighty) days after the accident occurred. This evidence must be equipped with a negative HIV antibody test within 5 (five) days from the date of the accident. This benefit applies only if the insured work is a Medical Power, Power Medical student, registered nurse, lab technician, dentist, paramedic, working in health centers and clinics (in Indonesia). This benefit does not apply where the points A and B have been carried out medical treatment to cure AIDS or to treat the effects of HIV infection, or management to prevent AIDS. Treatment in question is a treatment which makes HIV is not active and does not cause infection. 33. Deaf (hearing loss of sensory function) Incurable and lost a total funsgi hearing on both ears as a result of illness or accident. Diagnosis of this disease must be supported by audiometric and hearing tests are provided and certified by a specialist Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT). 34. Mute (Loss of Speech) Incurable and lost a total power of speech as a result of accident or illness on the vocal cords. The inability to speak must take place continuously for a period of 12 months. Diagnosis of this disease must be supported by the supporting evidence from a specialist Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT). All of psychosis and mental illness are excluded from this disease. 35. Blindness Power loss of vision from both eyes in total and can not be cured as a result of illness or accident. Blindness must diddiagnosa by an eye specialist (opthalmologist). 36. Progressive scleroderma A collagen vascular disease that causes systemic fibrosis progressively comprehensive in the skin, blood vessels and organs of the body. Diagnosis of this disease must be supported by biopsy and serology results and supporting evidence of this disease should be in accordance with the proportion of systemic associated with heart, lung and kidney. Exceptions to this disease are: • Local Scleroderma (systemic sclerosis or morphea linear) • Eosinophilic fascitis; and • CREST syndrome 37. Medullary cyst disease Progressive hereditary kidney disease characterized by the presence of cysts in the medulla, tubular atrophy and fibrosis intestitial with clinical manifestations of anemia, polyuria and loss of sodium through the kidneys, develops into a chronic renal failure. This diagnosis must be supported by a kidney biopsy. 38. Cardiomyopathy Diagnosis that has been upheld by cardiologists that cardiomyopathy is caused by damage to the heart ventricle chamber function, indicated by an abnormal ECG results and confirmed by cardiac echo of variable aetiology and is caused by a permanent physical disability with a degree of at least the Class III according to New York Association Classification of Cardiac Imapairment. Class III - characterized by a significant inability - Patients in the favorable conditions in the rest position but the ability to perform daily activities is very limited than usual and showed symptoms of congestive heart failure. Class IV - Inability to perform any activity. The symptoms of congestive heart failure occur even in resting conditions. Any increase in physical activity, discomfort will occur. Cardiomyopathy is directly related to the abuse of alcoholic beverages are exempt from this disease. 39. Aneurysms of the brain blood vessels that require surgery. Brain surgery to correct an abnormal dilation of cerebral arteries that involves all layers of the three layers of the cerebral arteries. Diagnosis should be enforced by a specialist neurosurgery by using a standard examination which the examination results of cerebral angiography is indicated for open surgery. Exceptions: - Infection and mycotic aneurysma - Craniotomi limited and burr hole procedures 40. Interruption of the nerve roots of brachial Plexus Loss of sensory function is settled and the whole of the upper limb caused by the breaking of 2 (two) or more nerve roots of the brachial plexus caused by an accident or injury. Thorough wound of 2 (two) or more nerve roots should be confirmed with electrodiagnostic examination performed by a physician neurologist. 41. Stroke requiring carotid artery surgery Carotid artery surgery (carotid endarterectomy) by a specialist neurosurgeon is required to dispose of plaque deposits in the carotid arteries in stroke that has lasted more than 6 (six) months. This operation must be medically necessary indications (medically Necessary) by a physician neurologist to prevent the recurrence of cerebrovascular ischemic attacks. 42. Idiopathic scoliosis surgery Operating idiopathic scoliosis (unknown cause) which is done by surgery to correct spinal curvature of the spine is not normal return to forms the normal (straight-line visible from the back). The definition of the condition of scoliosis is a spinal Curva position in excess of 40 degrees Cobb angle. Exceptions: Deformity of the spine caused by congenital abnormalities (congenital) and neuromuscular diseases. 43. Chronic recurrent pancreatitis Chronic recurrent pancreatitis as a result of severe pancreatic damage and progressive, where the condition is due to: a. Recurrent acute pancreatitis that occur during two consecutive years; b. Uneven buildup of calcium in the pancreas as evidenced by the results of imaging examinations, and c. Failure of chronic pancreatic function and continues to cause disruption in intestinal absorption (excess fat in the stool) or diabetes. Exceptions: Chronic recurrent pancreatitis are caused directly by alcohol use. 44. Chronic disease elephantiasis Chronic disease elephantiasis with characteristics: a. Severe and persistent swelling of the arms and legs begin or other body parts caused by lympatic obstruction (blockage of lymph glands), and b. Of the microfilaria infection of laboratory test results. Exceptions: Lymphatic obstruction (blockage of the lymph nodes) is caused by diseases caused by: - Sexual relations, - Cancer, - Wounds, - Surgical scar, - Radiation, - Heart failure or - Congenital abnormality. 45. Loss of independence alive The loss of independence which led to the inability of sedentary life (permanent) to 3 (three) of five (5) activities of daily living with or without support tools, special tools or other assistive devices, which occurred during the 6 (six) consecutive months . The loss of independence of this life must be confirmed by a specialist. Sense of the word "permanent (persistent)" is a state / condition that can not be cured anymore. Definition of Activities of Daily Living, means 5 (five) of the following: a. Bath, defined as the body's own ability to clean the bath or using the shower (shower) or cleanse the body use other means well. b. Dress, defined by its own ability to wear, remove, tighten and loosen all types of clothing. c. Bribery, defined by its own ability to bribe the food already prepared and served. d. Discard water, defined by its own ability to pee in the toilet or latrine, or at least able to withstand the waste water to maintain an adequate level of personal hygiene. e. Switch places, defined by its own ability to move the body from the bed to a chair with the backrest upright or to move from one place to another on a flat floor without using a wheelchair. 46. Muscle membrane, or tissue death (gangrene) Muscle membrane, or tissue death (gangrene) with the following characteristics: a. Clinical symptoms that meet diagnostic criteria for the death of the muscle membrane or tissue; b. Specific bacterial infections, and c. Extensive muscle damage that causes loss of total and fixed on the body. 47. Rheumatoid Arthritis Weight Rheumatoid arthritis as a result of chronic autoimmune disorder that is diagnosed by a specialist Rheumatology and Immunology. The characteristics of this disease is having to meet all the criteria: d. Based on the diagnosis of the American College of Rheumatology, and e. Damage and deformity of at least 3 (three) of the following joints: hand interphalangeal joint, wrist joint, elbow, knee, hip joints, ankle, collar bone or interphalangeal foot joints. All the symptoms that arise must be confirmed by clinical examination and imaging studies that show the existence of such changes, and f. Disability causing inability to perform three (3) of 5 (five) activities of daily living without assistance continuously for a minimum period of 6 (six) months. Definition of Activities of daily living in accordance with # 45. 48. Ulcerative Colitis Weight (Cronh's disease) The disease is marked by characteristics meet at least 2 (two) criteria of the conditions below: g. Appointment of total colon; h. Removal of part or some parts of the bowel surgery with a few different times; i. Ascending sclerosing cholangitis as comorbidities with this disease; j. Autoimmune chronic active hepatitis and cirrhosis as evidenced by pathology examination. k. Carcinoma in situ of colon 49. Kawasaki Disease Causes Complications In The Heart Cardiac complications in the form of dilation / aneurysm from arterial coroner that lasted continuously for 6 (six) months as a result of Kawasaki disease and evidenced by examination echocardiografi. Diagnosis of the disease is established by a pediatrician or other appropriate specialists. To-49 above the critical illness is a disease that can strike a person and potentially thwart a keluarga.sehingga financial planning requires a financial planning instruments that could be used to help cure and treatment due to the impact of critical illness, one of which is to follow Takafulink Regards.
Posted by Andi A. Fadilah on 01:03 / /
One cause that can make financial planning a family becomes uncertain or mess is caused by the disease kritis.bisa imagined when critical illness strikes, most will not come out of funds for treatments and cures for tens to hundreds of millions of dollars.
to anticipate the losses caused by critical illness protection then Takafulink Hail losses that could be used to help cure and treatment of diseases caused by critical kritis.Penyakit to be given protection are as follows;
1. Heart Attack First
Infarction as the heart muscle due to lack of blood supply to the heart. Diagnostic criteria that must be met at the time of the attack is having to meet the 3 criteria of 5 criteria below which correspond to the first diagnosis of heart attack:
a.Adanya typical chest pain during an attack;
b.Terjadinya picture electrocardiogram changes typical for early-stage and Myocardial Infarction;
c.Terjadinya increase in the levels of cardiac enzyme CK-MB;
d.Terjadinya increased troponin (T or I);
e.Left Ventricular Ejection fraction less than 50% (fifty percent) that lasted for 3 months or more after the attack.
2 Stroke
Any cerebrovascular attack, which resulted in permanent neurological symptoms, which lasted more than 24 (twenty four) hours, including infarction of brain tissue, cerebral hemorrhage, thrombosis or embolization. This diagnosis must be supported by some of the conditions mentioned below:
a.Bukti permanent neurological deficit must be enforced by a physician neurologist and symptoms last for at least 6 weeks after the attack.
b.Penemuan of magnetic resonance imaging examination, computerized tomography, or other imaging techniques examination in accordance with a new diagnosis of stroke.
Diseases that are excluded:
a.Transient ischemic Attacks;
b.Kerusakan brain caused by an accident or injury, infection, vasculitis, and inflammatory disease;
c.Penyakit blood vessels that affects the eye and the eye nerve;
d.Gangguan ischemic from the vestibular system
3. Coronary Heart Operation
Operation by opening the chest wall, to perform operations on one or more arteries of the heart due to narrowing or blockage in the arteries. Angiographic Diagnosis is based on showing the presence of significant coronary artery blockage and the procedure for it to be based on the considerations made by the cardiologist.
Excluding the technique does not require surgery, such as angioplasty or laser.
4. Heart Valve Replacement Operation
With open heart surgery to replace or repair heart valves as a result of damage to heart valves. Diagnosis of abnormal heart valves, must be established by cardiac catheterization or echocardiogram and examination procedures must be based on the considerations made by the cardiologist.
5. Cancer
The disease is characterized by the presence of malignant tumors caused by uncontrolled cell growth and spread of malignant tumor cells and the invasion of tissue. Diagnosis must be confirmed by pemberiksaan tissue and diagnosed by Oncologist or pathologist. Diseases that are excluded:
Carsinoma situ and tumors that histologically describe precancerous or noninvasive, including this case is Carsinoma In Situ breast, cervical dysplasia CIN 1, CIN 2 and CIN 3.
Hyperkeratoses, basal cell and squamous cell skin cancer, and melanoma with a thickness of less than 1.5 mm Breslow, or less than Clark Level 3 unless there is evidence of spread;
Cancer Prostate gland which is based on examination of tissues as well as the TNM classification T1a or T1b or cancer of the prostate gland under the same classification or classification Lesser, T1N0M0 Papillary thyroid microcarcinoma with a diameter of less than 1 cm, microcarsinoma papillary bladder, and Chronic Leukemia Lynphocytic less of RAI stage 3; and
All tumors caused by HIV infection.
Included is a leukemia (other than lymphotic leukemia), malignant tumors of all organs except for all skin tumors (other than melanoma malignum) and benign tumors and cancers in situ are not insured in this Additional Coverage.
6. Kidney Failure
End stage renal failure, which is shown as a second functioning kidney failure chronic and can not recover, so it requires regular kidney dialysis or kidney transplantation.
7. Paralysis
Loss of function of at least two hands or two feet, or one arm and one leg, a total and permanent, and takes place continuously for at least 6 weeks. This condition must be enforced by a physician neurologist. Intentional injuries inflicted by the self-excluded from this disease.
8. Multiple Sclerosis
A disease that causes damage to the central nervous system that causes progressive damage to the brain and brain stem. Without a doubt a definite diagnosis by a physician neurologist who asserts such a combination: the symptoms that led to the fibers (white substance) which includes the optic nerve, brainstem, and spinal cord, resulting in deficits neorologis; and has been going on for at least 6 months which results in impaired motor coordination and sensory function. The data support the existence of recurrent and the onset of symptoms or neurological deficit.
Damage to the nervous system caused by other causes such as SLE and HIV are excluded from this disease.
9. Vital Body Organ Transplant
Operating experience as a transplant recipient from:
- Human bone marrow (haematopoitic stem cells) are preceded by total bone marrow ablation; or
- One of the organs of humans are: kidney, heart, liver, and lungs, pancreas, as a result of the failure of the final stage of the functions of these organs.
Stem Cell Transplantation others are excluded from this disease.
10. Alzheimer Disease / Organic Degenerative Brain Disorders which are not recovered.
Deterioration or loss of intellectual abilities or behavioral abnormalities as evidenced by clinical circumstances and questionnaires or tests acceptable standard of Alzheimer's disease or organic degenerative brain disorders that can not be recovered, resulting in decreased mental function and a real social so that the necessary oversight continuously against the insured. The occurrence of progressive degeneration of anterior horn cells of the spinal cord (lower motor neuron lesion), kortiko spinal tract (upper motor neuron lesions) and brainstem motor nuclei. Diagnosis should be clinically confirmed by the appropriate specialists appointed by the Insurer. Excluded diseases:
- Non-Organic diseases such as neurosis and psychosis, mental illness.
- Damage to the brain due to alcohol use.
11. Coma
Unconscious without any reaction or response to external stimuli or internal needs ongoing and require life support equipment including a respirator should be used for at least 96 (ninety six) hours. Permanent neurological deficits and there must be continuously sustained for at least 42 days. Coma caused directly by alcohol or drug abuse was an exception.
12. Parkinson's Disease
Definite diagnosis of Parkinson's disease without a doubt Idiopatic given by a physician and neurologist recommended by doctors Insurer where the state of the insured can not be controlled with medication; showed signs of progressive damage. This coverage is only for idiopathic Parkinson's disease only. All other forms of Parkinson's are not included in this coverage.
Inability to perform daily activities with or without assistive devices at least 3 of 6 activities of daily living and inability to take place continuously for at least 6 months.
Activities of daily activities:
- Bath
- Dress
- Switching places from one place to another
- Moving from one place to another
- Toileting (use of the Small Room)
- Eat
Parkinson's is caused by the use of drugs excluded from this disease.
13. Terminal Illness
In end-stage condition or disease suffered by the insured based on the diagnosis of the examining physician, and it has been approved by the Insurer doctors predict that the life expectancy of the insured is less than 12 months.
Terminal Illness caused by HIV infection are excluded from this disease.
14. Chronic Lung Disease / End Stage
Lung diseases including late stage lung disease intersisial caused by the disease with chronic respiratory failure.
Diagnosis is by pulmonary specialists and must meet the symptom or evidence mentioned below:
- Requires extensive oxygen therapy and permanent.
- FEV1 test results must be less than 1 liter.
- Analysis of arterial blood gases with oxygen partial pressures 55 mmHg or less (PaO2 <55 mmHg). - Shortness of breath at rest. 15. Chronic Liver Disease The final stage of liver disease characterized by all of the following: a. Permanent yellow b. Ascites c. Hepatic encephalopathy Chronic liver disease due to alcohol and drugs not included in this additional coverage. 16. Motor Neuron Disease A definitive diagnosis without a doubt on Motor Neuron Diseases caused by progressive degeneration of the brain stem and anterior horn cells or bulbar efferent neurons including spinal muscular atrophy, progressive bulbar palsy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and primary lateral sclerosis. And supported by conclusive evidence of the signs and neurological deficits that persist and approved by doctors Insurer. And the diagnosis must be upheld by a physician neurologist. 17. Muscular Dystrophy A collection of hereditary muscle degeneration disease that causes weakness or atrophy of muscles. Diagnosis should be established with certainty by a physician neurologist, and such proof must be based on the assessment of daily activities confirmed the inability of the Insured to perform daily activities with or without help, at least 3 of 6 daily activities lasting at least 6 months . Activities of daily activities: - Bath - Dress - Switching places from one place to another - Moving from one place to another - Toileting (use of the Small Room) - Eat 18. Anemia Aplastis Functioning of the bone marrow fails to chronic and persistent resulting in anemia, neutropenia and thrombocytopenia requiring at least one of the treatments below: a. Transfusion b. Bone marrow-stimulating drugs c. Immunosuppressive drugs d. Bone marrow transplantation Diagnosis should be enforced by a specialist blood (Haemotologist). 19. Vessels operating Aorta The operation is done to improve vessel disease, aneurysms of the aorta, narrowing, blockage requiring excision and diseased aortic replacement surgery by opening the abdominal cavity or chest cavity. The aorta is meant by this definition is thorakalis and abdominal aorta does not include branches of the aorta. Surgery that is minimally invasive or intra-arterial techniques are exempt from this provision. 20. Fulminant hepatitis Liver failure as a result of massive death parenchym submasif or liver caused by hepatitis virus. Fulminant hepatitis due to suicide attempts, poisoning, overdose due to the use of illicit drugs and excessive alcohol levels are exempt from this additional coverage. Diagnostic criteria that must exist: - Shrinking the heart quickly. - The death of heart parenchym covering almost the entire liver lobe. And cause damage to the reticular and function. - Liver function tests showing the presence of massive liver damage parenchym. - Icterus real. - Hepatic encephalopathy. 21. Primary Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Primary Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension disease showing enlargement of right ventricle is made by clinical examination, cardiac catheterization, which causes permanent physical impairment and based on the Classification Cardiac Impairment The New York Heart Association (NYHA) class IV includes a minimum of (Unable to do any physical activity symptoms The symptoms can occur at rest). 22. Bacterial Meningitis Meningitis bacteria that cause inflammation of the lining of the brain or spinal cord so that the occurrence of permanent neurological disability and lasted at least 6 weeks. Where the diagnosis should be confirmed by a neurologist doctor, and get a bacterial infection in the cerebrospinal fluid obtained from lumbar puncture. 23. Benign Brain Tumor The threat of life caused by brain tumors are not cancer causing brain damage and specific symptoms of increased pressure within the skull such as papilloedema (swelling papill), mental disorders, insanity and sensory disorders that have been confirmed by doctors neurologist. The existence of an underlying tumor should be confirmed by CT scan or MRI. Cysts, granulomas, or deformity of the artery or vein from the brain (AVM), hematoma, and tumor pituitary gland or spine are exempt from this disease. 24. Encephalitis Diagnosis of inflammation of the brain (cerebral hemisphere, brainstem or cerebellum) resulting from viral infections, which cause significant complications that lasted for at least 6 weeks, including permanent neurological deficit / settled and confirmed by a physician neurologist. Permanent neurological deficits / mental retardation can be settled, emotional instability, visual disturbances, hearing loss, speech disturbances, weakness or paralysis. Inflammation of the brain caused by HIV infection are excluded from this disease. 25. Burn Third degree burns (the skin layer) at least 20% (twenty percent) of body surface area. 26. Poliomyelitis The disease is characterized by: - Polio virus is the cause, and - Paralysis of limbs or muscles that cause respiratory muscle Insured can not do 3 (three) of five (5) activities of daily living for at least 3 (three) months. 27. Serious Head Trauma Accidents that cause injuries to the head resulting in permanent neurological deficits arising less than 6 (six) weeks since the accident occurred so that the insured can not do 3 (three) of five (5) activities of daily living for at least 6 (six) months. This diagnosis should be enforced by the expert neurologist, supported by technical Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Computerized Tomography, or other recognized techniques. The accident must occur directly from outside the body is invisible and does not depend from another cause. Conditions below are exempt from this disease: - Injury / Trauma to the spinal cord, and - Injuries to the head due to other causes 28. Apallic Syndrome Overall damage to the brain cortex of the brain stem that is still normal. This diagnosis should be enforced by an expert neurologist and conditions of this disease should take place continuously at least 1 (one) month. 29. Other Coronary Heart Disease A Serious The narrowing of one coronary artery with a minimum of 75 & (seventy five percent) and 2 (two) other coronary arteries with a minimum of 60% (sixty percent) as evidenced by coronary arteriography, regardless of whether the operation was performed or not. Coronary artery in question is the Left Main Coronary Artery (LC), Left Anterior Descending Artery (LAD), circumflex artery and the Right Coronary Artery (RC). 30. Angioplasty and other invasive management for Coronary Heart Disease Limitation of benefit payments are 10% of Total Sum Insured Critical Illness or maximum not more than Rp. 200 million, or $ 50,000 after the insured perform angioplasty or intra-arterial ballooning catheter procedure to treat narrowing of the coronary arteries of at least 60% of one or more coronary arteries from angiographic major evidenced. Revascularisasi should be as indicated and consultant cardiologist or heart specialist physicians. Coronary artery in question is the Left Main Coronary Artery (LC), Left Anterior Descending Artery (LAD), circumflex artery and the Right Coronary Artery (RC). Payment of the benefits mentioned above for the disease is only performed one time only and the rest of the benefits that exist for other supplemental insurance Critical illness will continue with the remaining 90% (ninety percent) of the Total Sum Insured Critical Illness. Diagnostic action with angioplasty are exempt from this disease. 31. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus) Multisystemic autoimmune diseases and multifactorial characterized by increased auto-antibodies that attack the body's various antigens. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus types covered in the benefits of Additional Insured is limited to the kinds of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus involving the kidneys (Class III to Class IV Lupus Nephritis, which is confirmed by renal biopsy, and according to the WHO classification). Not included in critical illness claims Systemic Lupus Erythematosus is another type of lupus, which is kind of discoid lupus and other types that involve joints and hematologic systems. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus the diagnosis must be performed by a Physician Specialist Rheumatology and Immunology. WHO Classification of Lupus Nephritis: Class I: Minimal Change Glomerulonephritis Lupus Class II: Messangial Lupus Glomerulonephritis Class III: Focal Segmental Glomerulonephritis Lupus Proliverative Class IV: Diffuse proliferative Lupus Glomerulonephritis Class V: membranous Lupus Glomerulonephritis 32. The HIV Obtained Through Blood Transfusion and Works A. Insured infected by Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) through blood transfusion with the following conditions: 1. Blood transfusions were medically necessary and provided as part of treatment. 2. Blood transfusions carried out in Indonesia after the date the Policy applies, the policy change date or the date of recovery policy that whichever occurs last. 3. Infesi source ascertained from the institution that organizes blood transfusion and the agency can track the origin of blood infected with HIV, and 4. Insured not constitute or Haemophilia patients with Thalassaemia major. B. Infection Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) obtained from an accident occurring after the date of the Policy applies, or the date of the policy change or the date of recovery policy, whichever is most recent, during the Insured carry out the normal responsibilities of his job profession in Indonesia, following the evidence and the provisions exist in the company as follows: 1. HIV infections that arise due to the accident shall, within 30 (thirty) days from the date the accident occurred, and 2. Evidence that the accident was the cause of HIV infection, and 3. Evidence that sero-conversion from HIV negative to HIV positive occurred in 180 (one hundred eighty) days after the accident occurred. This evidence must be equipped with a negative HIV antibody test within 5 (five) days from the date of the accident. This benefit applies only if the insured work is a Medical Power, Power Medical student, registered nurse, lab technician, dentist, paramedic, working in health centers and clinics (in Indonesia). This benefit does not apply where the points A and B have been carried out medical treatment to cure AIDS or to treat the effects of HIV infection, or management to prevent AIDS. Treatment in question is a treatment which makes HIV is not active and does not cause infection. 33. Deaf (hearing loss of sensory function) Incurable and lost a total funsgi hearing on both ears as a result of illness or accident. Diagnosis of this disease must be supported by audiometric and hearing tests are provided and certified by a specialist Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT). 34. Mute (Loss of Speech) Incurable and lost a total power of speech as a result of accident or illness on the vocal cords. The inability to speak must take place continuously for a period of 12 months. Diagnosis of this disease must be supported by the supporting evidence from a specialist Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT). All of psychosis and mental illness are excluded from this disease. 35. Blindness Power loss of vision from both eyes in total and can not be cured as a result of illness or accident. Blindness must diddiagnosa by an eye specialist (opthalmologist). 36. Progressive scleroderma A collagen vascular disease that causes systemic fibrosis progressively comprehensive in the skin, blood vessels and organs of the body. Diagnosis of this disease must be supported by biopsy and serology results and supporting evidence of this disease should be in accordance with the proportion of systemic associated with heart, lung and kidney. Exceptions to this disease are: • Local Scleroderma (systemic sclerosis or morphea linear) • Eosinophilic fascitis; and • CREST syndrome 37. Medullary cyst disease Progressive hereditary kidney disease characterized by the presence of cysts in the medulla, tubular atrophy and fibrosis intestitial with clinical manifestations of anemia, polyuria and loss of sodium through the kidneys, develops into a chronic renal failure. This diagnosis must be supported by a kidney biopsy. 38. Cardiomyopathy Diagnosis that has been upheld by cardiologists that cardiomyopathy is caused by damage to the heart ventricle chamber function, indicated by an abnormal ECG results and confirmed by cardiac echo of variable aetiology and is caused by a permanent physical disability with a degree of at least the Class III according to New York Association Classification of Cardiac Imapairment. Class III - characterized by a significant inability - Patients in the favorable conditions in the rest position but the ability to perform daily activities is very limited than usual and showed symptoms of congestive heart failure. Class IV - Inability to perform any activity. The symptoms of congestive heart failure occur even in resting conditions. Any increase in physical activity, discomfort will occur. Cardiomyopathy is directly related to the abuse of alcoholic beverages are exempt from this disease. 39. Aneurysms of the brain blood vessels that require surgery. Brain surgery to correct an abnormal dilation of cerebral arteries that involves all layers of the three layers of the cerebral arteries. Diagnosis should be enforced by a specialist neurosurgery by using a standard examination which the examination results of cerebral angiography is indicated for open surgery. Exceptions: - Infection and mycotic aneurysma - Craniotomi limited and burr hole procedures 40. Interruption of the nerve roots of brachial Plexus Loss of sensory function is settled and the whole of the upper limb caused by the breaking of 2 (two) or more nerve roots of the brachial plexus caused by an accident or injury. Thorough wound of 2 (two) or more nerve roots should be confirmed with electrodiagnostic examination performed by a physician neurologist. 41. Stroke requiring carotid artery surgery Carotid artery surgery (carotid endarterectomy) by a specialist neurosurgeon is required to dispose of plaque deposits in the carotid arteries in stroke that has lasted more than 6 (six) months. This operation must be medically necessary indications (medically Necessary) by a physician neurologist to prevent the recurrence of cerebrovascular ischemic attacks. 42. Idiopathic scoliosis surgery Operating idiopathic scoliosis (unknown cause) which is done by surgery to correct spinal curvature of the spine is not normal return to forms the normal (straight-line visible from the back). The definition of the condition of scoliosis is a spinal Curva position in excess of 40 degrees Cobb angle. Exceptions: Deformity of the spine caused by congenital abnormalities (congenital) and neuromuscular diseases. 43. Chronic recurrent pancreatitis Chronic recurrent pancreatitis as a result of severe pancreatic damage and progressive, where the condition is due to: a. Recurrent acute pancreatitis that occur during two consecutive years; b. Uneven buildup of calcium in the pancreas as evidenced by the results of imaging examinations, and c. Failure of chronic pancreatic function and continues to cause disruption in intestinal absorption (excess fat in the stool) or diabetes. Exceptions: Chronic recurrent pancreatitis are caused directly by alcohol use. 44. Chronic disease elephantiasis Chronic disease elephantiasis with characteristics: a. Severe and persistent swelling of the arms and legs begin or other body parts caused by lympatic obstruction (blockage of lymph glands), and b. Of the microfilaria infection of laboratory test results. Exceptions: Lymphatic obstruction (blockage of the lymph nodes) is caused by diseases caused by: - Sexual relations, - Cancer, - Wounds, - Surgical scar, - Radiation, - Heart failure or - Congenital abnormality. 45. Loss of independence alive The loss of independence which led to the inability of sedentary life (permanent) to 3 (three) of five (5) activities of daily living with or without support tools, special tools or other assistive devices, which occurred during the 6 (six) consecutive months . The loss of independence of this life must be confirmed by a specialist. Sense of the word "permanent (persistent)" is a state / condition that can not be cured anymore. Definition of Activities of Daily Living, means 5 (five) of the following: a. Bath, defined as the body's own ability to clean the bath or using the shower (shower) or cleanse the body use other means well. b. Dress, defined by its own ability to wear, remove, tighten and loosen all types of clothing. c. Bribery, defined by its own ability to bribe the food already prepared and served. d. Discard water, defined by its own ability to pee in the toilet or latrine, or at least able to withstand the waste water to maintain an adequate level of personal hygiene. e. Switch places, defined by its own ability to move the body from the bed to a chair with the backrest upright or to move from one place to another on a flat floor without using a wheelchair. 46. Muscle membrane, or tissue death (gangrene) Muscle membrane, or tissue death (gangrene) with the following characteristics: a. Clinical symptoms that meet diagnostic criteria for the death of the muscle membrane or tissue; b. Specific bacterial infections, and c. Extensive muscle damage that causes loss of total and fixed on the body. 47. Rheumatoid Arthritis Weight Rheumatoid arthritis as a result of chronic autoimmune disorder that is diagnosed by a specialist Rheumatology and Immunology. The characteristics of this disease is having to meet all the criteria: d. Based on the diagnosis of the American College of Rheumatology, and e. Damage and deformity of at least 3 (three) of the following joints: hand interphalangeal joint, wrist joint, elbow, knee, hip joints, ankle, collar bone or interphalangeal foot joints. All the symptoms that arise must be confirmed by clinical examination and imaging studies that show the existence of such changes, and f. Disability causing inability to perform three (3) of 5 (five) activities of daily living without assistance continuously for a minimum period of 6 (six) months. Definition of Activities of daily living in accordance with # 45. 48. Ulcerative Colitis Weight (Cronh's disease) The disease is marked by characteristics meet at least 2 (two) criteria of the conditions below: g. Appointment of total colon; h. Removal of part or some parts of the bowel surgery with a few different times; i. Ascending sclerosing cholangitis as comorbidities with this disease; j. Autoimmune chronic active hepatitis and cirrhosis as evidenced by pathology examination. k. Carcinoma in situ of colon 49. Kawasaki Disease Causes Complications In The Heart Cardiac complications in the form of dilation / aneurysm from arterial coroner that lasted continuously for 6 (six) months as a result of Kawasaki disease and evidenced by examination echocardiografi. Diagnosis of the disease is established by a pediatrician or other appropriate specialists. To-49 above the critical illness is a disease that can strike a person and potentially thwart a keluarga.sehingga financial planning requires a financial planning instruments that could be used to help cure and treatment due to the impact of critical illness, one of which is to follow Takafulink Regards.
More Value For Insurance Education Fulnadi Sharia
Takaful scheme (individual) which aims to provide education funds for children of participants to graduate level education with a wide range of protection benefits
Privileged Fulnadi Takaful Insurance Education
There 1.Tidak Scorched funds (premium paid can not be retrieved) because it stopped before the agreement ends
2.Biaya accepted to university Higher education
3.Premi fairly paid up to school age children (18 years), after the child graduates from high school is no longer an obligation Paying Premiums, while education funding is still given
Participants 4.Apabila Died heirs get the
100% compensation benefits beginning takaful (X premiums during the agreement)
All funds are savings + profit sharing
stages of education money is still accepted as the beginning of the agreement
Education Takaful Insurance Benefits
If the Participant longevity until the end of the agreement, the Son as Grant Recipients receive:
Stages * time of admission (kindergarten, elementary, junior high school, PT) ** and Scholarship for 4 years at university.
If the participants withdrew before the agreement ends, participants receive:
Cash Value
All funds in the Savings Account participants who came from the savings balance and the profit on the investment (mudaraba).
If the Child as Beneficiary dies before all phases of grant received by participants / Heirs get:
• Cash Value
• Benefit of 10% Early Benefit Takaful (Annual Premium X Period of Agreement)
If the unfortunate Participants in the agreement
Free Insurance Policy premiums, and Heirs get:
• Benefit of 50% Early Takaful Benefits (if it died because of illness or total permanent disability due to accident) or 100% First Takaful Benefit (if the accidental death).
• Cash Value
Children as Grant Recipients receive:
• Stage at entry (kindergarten, elementary, junior high school, PT) **
• Scholarship every year since the unfortunate participant s / d 4 years in Higher Education
If after the contract ends and is still in scholarships at the College Participants unfortunate
• Deaths due to illness or total permanent disability due to accident, his heirs will receive the Cash Value
• Deaths due to accident, his heirs will receive the Cash Value and the allowance of 50% Early Takaful Benefits
• Grant Recipients will still receive the scholarship until the relevant four-year universities
Conditions of Participation
Age Sign for Participants are: 20 s.d 55 years
Period of Agreement (contract) depending on the age of the Child (Via Grant recipient) at the time of entry. Age Child (0 to 13 years); for less than 6 months of age are considered age 0 years.
MP = 18 - Age of children at time of entry
Min. Premium / month Rp 100.000 perkwitansi
* If the maturity stage is not taken, will be invested and will add to the Scholarship at the College
** As per the agreement
*** More Value For Insurance Education Fulnadi Sharia
Privileged Fulnadi Takaful Insurance Education
There 1.Tidak Scorched funds (premium paid can not be retrieved) because it stopped before the agreement ends
2.Biaya accepted to university Higher education
3.Premi fairly paid up to school age children (18 years), after the child graduates from high school is no longer an obligation Paying Premiums, while education funding is still given
Participants 4.Apabila Died heirs get the
100% compensation benefits beginning takaful (X premiums during the agreement)
All funds are savings + profit sharing
stages of education money is still accepted as the beginning of the agreement
Education Takaful Insurance Benefits
If the Participant longevity until the end of the agreement, the Son as Grant Recipients receive:
Stages * time of admission (kindergarten, elementary, junior high school, PT) ** and Scholarship for 4 years at university.
If the participants withdrew before the agreement ends, participants receive:
Cash Value
All funds in the Savings Account participants who came from the savings balance and the profit on the investment (mudaraba).
If the Child as Beneficiary dies before all phases of grant received by participants / Heirs get:
• Cash Value
• Benefit of 10% Early Benefit Takaful (Annual Premium X Period of Agreement)
If the unfortunate Participants in the agreement
Free Insurance Policy premiums, and Heirs get:
• Benefit of 50% Early Takaful Benefits (if it died because of illness or total permanent disability due to accident) or 100% First Takaful Benefit (if the accidental death).
• Cash Value
Children as Grant Recipients receive:
• Stage at entry (kindergarten, elementary, junior high school, PT) **
• Scholarship every year since the unfortunate participant s / d 4 years in Higher Education
If after the contract ends and is still in scholarships at the College Participants unfortunate
• Deaths due to illness or total permanent disability due to accident, his heirs will receive the Cash Value
• Deaths due to accident, his heirs will receive the Cash Value and the allowance of 50% Early Takaful Benefits
• Grant Recipients will still receive the scholarship until the relevant four-year universities
Conditions of Participation
Age Sign for Participants are: 20 s.d 55 years
Period of Agreement (contract) depending on the age of the Child (Via Grant recipient) at the time of entry. Age Child (0 to 13 years); for less than 6 months of age are considered age 0 years.
MP = 18 - Age of children at time of entry
Min. Premium / month Rp 100.000 perkwitansi
* If the maturity stage is not taken, will be invested and will add to the Scholarship at the College
** As per the agreement
*** More Value For Insurance Education Fulnadi Sharia
Value Over Sharia Insurance Education
Value Over Sharia Insurance Education
Takaful, or in English is called Islamic Insurance Today has been accepted not only in Muslim majority countries, but also in many countries of Europe and Asia, UK and Singapore for example.
This development is also strengthened with the establishment of an international institute of Islamic finance agency, which is adapted to the basic principles in financial transactions in accordance with sharia, including emphasis on a fair deal, the suggestion of sharing system, and the prohibition of riba (interest), gharar (hoax) , and maysir (speculation).
In Indonesia PT.Asuransi Family Takaful has been started by pioneering insurance products tailored to the principles of sharia principles above since 1994.Salah only by Removing the financial planning program for the education of Children is "Fulnadi".
Insurance Fulnadi as Islamic education goals are not much different from Conventional Insurance (Non Sharia), a member of certainty to invest and protection against the cost of your child's education, that education costs could be met from the amount of insurance premiums paid since the child's birth parents.
What distinguishes the conventional, Islamic insurance products to give emphasis on the principles of management of investment funds in accordance with the principles and rules of Islamic finance.
More Value Fulnadi
Insurance education Fulnadi as Sharia provide more value for anak.Salah only fortify the child of the element of Riba Ribawi.Karena is one great sin, and some even mention the actual Usury is also forbidden in the Doctrine in the Gospels and the Torah.
Moreover, if viewed from the development of a diverse range of sharia-based financial services over the last few years, Sri Kurnia Khurniatun of Consulting, indicates if the value of profits to invest more kompetititf Islamic basis compared with conventional products.
Fulnadi also focus on Higher Education, because education is usually higher cost of education is very expensive compared to levels of education lainnya.Di Fulnadi if the child is 18 years old or entering higher education the participants have enjoyed the premium-free facility means there is no obligation to pay premiums again .
Providing Insurance Benefits Fulnadi very interesting (complete) from the death benefit / accidental to the donee (the child), death benefits for the elderly scholarships and free premium, which is added to the cash value.
With many advantages such Fulnadi not only able to provide the best for future generations, but also according to Islamic halal.
Takaful, or in English is called Islamic Insurance Today has been accepted not only in Muslim majority countries, but also in many countries of Europe and Asia, UK and Singapore for example.
This development is also strengthened with the establishment of an international institute of Islamic finance agency, which is adapted to the basic principles in financial transactions in accordance with sharia, including emphasis on a fair deal, the suggestion of sharing system, and the prohibition of riba (interest), gharar (hoax) , and maysir (speculation).
In Indonesia PT.Asuransi Family Takaful has been started by pioneering insurance products tailored to the principles of sharia principles above since 1994.Salah only by Removing the financial planning program for the education of Children is "Fulnadi".
Insurance Fulnadi as Islamic education goals are not much different from Conventional Insurance (Non Sharia), a member of certainty to invest and protection against the cost of your child's education, that education costs could be met from the amount of insurance premiums paid since the child's birth parents.
What distinguishes the conventional, Islamic insurance products to give emphasis on the principles of management of investment funds in accordance with the principles and rules of Islamic finance.
More Value Fulnadi
Insurance education Fulnadi as Sharia provide more value for anak.Salah only fortify the child of the element of Riba Ribawi.Karena is one great sin, and some even mention the actual Usury is also forbidden in the Doctrine in the Gospels and the Torah.
Moreover, if viewed from the development of a diverse range of sharia-based financial services over the last few years, Sri Kurnia Khurniatun of Consulting, indicates if the value of profits to invest more kompetititf Islamic basis compared with conventional products.
Fulnadi also focus on Higher Education, because education is usually higher cost of education is very expensive compared to levels of education lainnya.Di Fulnadi if the child is 18 years old or entering higher education the participants have enjoyed the premium-free facility means there is no obligation to pay premiums again .
Providing Insurance Benefits Fulnadi very interesting (complete) from the death benefit / accidental to the donee (the child), death benefits for the elderly scholarships and free premium, which is added to the cash value.
With many advantages such Fulnadi not only able to provide the best for future generations, but also according to Islamic halal.
HOw to plant education fee
Issues Education Fund is a problem that must always be experienced by parents, especially at a time when the school will enter a new school year. And of course you as parents who want to send their son / your i will mess around with the cost of education is increasingly expensive.
Most parents who have little or no education funds to prepare like son / i it is usually the easiest step to do is go looking for a loan here and there even if I have to "owe" the bank, pengadaian, or other lending institutions, as though financial problems by borrowing money will when in fact resolved by borrowing will create new problems because there will be interest payments
In order not to get caught up financially for children's education, then one of the wisest response is planned for early funding by designing children's education fund, by the way:
Set aside budget for education as early as possible. Do not delay the preparation of children's education fund with a lot of reasons you prepare early alasan.semakin you more easily manage the budget example If you begin saving for education as preparation for children aged 6 years, then you have to save a considerable amount than if you've saved since the child is 1 year old this is because you have to pursue the nominal value of which will be used to fund children's education.
Prepare budget posts for each child if you possessed more than one child. Set Education Budget Amount for Each Child in a Berbeda.hal Heading to better facilitate you in the set while controlling the funding.
Design education budget in accordance with the capabilities and needs of each Anda.Hitunglah carefully at your income and realistic pengelurannya.bersikaplah In Budget Plan with funding needs to be achieved.
Time to have a priority in managing finances, especially if the necessities of life are very numerous and difficult to save for children's education fund, meaning it's time to begin to set priorities. reduce some expenditure items that are less important and even unimportant, such as weekends, the roads out of town, eating in restaurants or shopping new clothes.
Do not forget the important needs lainnya.Alokasikan your income for savings so that the target savings or pay for insurance could be achieved without sacrificing the other. Ideally was set aside at least 10% of your income per month both for savings.
Contact your Insurance Agent Ask the financial planner illustrations that will fund you tube, so you know how much that insurance premiums should you pay so your child can continue their education in the schools with the quality you want and get all the benefits you need.
Be consistent in implementing the points raised above. You will definitely reap the results later.
Most parents who have little or no education funds to prepare like son / i it is usually the easiest step to do is go looking for a loan here and there even if I have to "owe" the bank, pengadaian, or other lending institutions, as though financial problems by borrowing money will when in fact resolved by borrowing will create new problems because there will be interest payments
In order not to get caught up financially for children's education, then one of the wisest response is planned for early funding by designing children's education fund, by the way:
Set aside budget for education as early as possible. Do not delay the preparation of children's education fund with a lot of reasons you prepare early alasan.semakin you more easily manage the budget example If you begin saving for education as preparation for children aged 6 years, then you have to save a considerable amount than if you've saved since the child is 1 year old this is because you have to pursue the nominal value of which will be used to fund children's education.
Prepare budget posts for each child if you possessed more than one child. Set Education Budget Amount for Each Child in a Berbeda.hal Heading to better facilitate you in the set while controlling the funding.
Design education budget in accordance with the capabilities and needs of each Anda.Hitunglah carefully at your income and realistic pengelurannya.bersikaplah In Budget Plan with funding needs to be achieved.
Time to have a priority in managing finances, especially if the necessities of life are very numerous and difficult to save for children's education fund, meaning it's time to begin to set priorities. reduce some expenditure items that are less important and even unimportant, such as weekends, the roads out of town, eating in restaurants or shopping new clothes.
Do not forget the important needs lainnya.Alokasikan your income for savings so that the target savings or pay for insurance could be achieved without sacrificing the other. Ideally was set aside at least 10% of your income per month both for savings.
Contact your Insurance Agent Ask the financial planner illustrations that will fund you tube, so you know how much that insurance premiums should you pay so your child can continue their education in the schools with the quality you want and get all the benefits you need.
Be consistent in implementing the points raised above. You will definitely reap the results later.
Insurance Plus investment for future
Alia Takafulink Islamic Investment is intended for those of you who want a return on investment is optimal (maximum).
Key Benefits
• If the agreement expires or resign Participants in the agreement then the participants will get all the Investment Funds.
• If a Participant dies during the agreement, the heirs will get the entire Investment Fund and Compensation Fund (Fund for Investment not exceeding Initial Benefit Takaful).
• If the Participant dies or Total Permanent Disability due to accident in the first year it will get additional benefit of 50 times the annual premium (a maximum of Rp. 1 billion).
Additional Benefits
Takafulink Alia offers additional benefits, such as personal accident insurance program or health insurance.
Top Up
Participants can improve the investment fund through the Top Up facility that can be done at anytime with minimum requirement of Rp. 1.000.000, - (one million rupiah)
• Withdrawal / Redemption Fund
After a period of one year of membership, you can make withdrawals. Especially for partial withdrawal provisions apply:
o Minimum withdrawal Rp. 1.000.000, - (one million rupiah) and
o Minimum of funds remaining Rp. 1.000.000, - (one million rupiah)
Free Look
Rights-free look for 14 days from accepted policies
Premium & Cost Cost
To become a participant Takafulink program you can choose how to pay:
The minimum annual premium of Rp. 2.000.000, - (two million rupiah)
Simultaneously a minimum premium of Rp. 12.000.000, - (twelve million dollars)
Conditions of Participation
Sign o Age: 18 to 65 years
A maximum entry age plus the agreement is 70 years old
Other Important Things
o Participants have the freedom to choose the type of investment
o On the selection of all investment risk is the responsibility of Participants
o The Company does not guarantee the amount of investment performance.
Questions and Answers
What are the advantages which can be given Takafulink Alia?
Alia Takafulink product has a high potential return on investment with the establishment of Investment Fund since its first year.
Whether the participant can learn the policy first?
Yes, participants have the Right to Free View (Free Look Period) to study the contents of the policy for 14 days after the policyholder received. The grace period given for participants to ascertain and agree to the terms set forth in the policy
Do Participants will receive a Transaction Report?
Yes, every year the company will send a Transaction Report that contains the mutation of transactions that occur and the number of units owned by Participant.
What about the Zakat Maal?
For Muslim participants will be accounted for zakat maal end of each calendar year proportional secaar
Where participants can see the development of Unit Price Takafulink?
Participants can see it every Monday and Thursday in the newspaper Bisnis Indonesia, or call Customer Care Takaful.
Key Benefits
• If the agreement expires or resign Participants in the agreement then the participants will get all the Investment Funds.
• If a Participant dies during the agreement, the heirs will get the entire Investment Fund and Compensation Fund (Fund for Investment not exceeding Initial Benefit Takaful).
• If the Participant dies or Total Permanent Disability due to accident in the first year it will get additional benefit of 50 times the annual premium (a maximum of Rp. 1 billion).
Additional Benefits
Takafulink Alia offers additional benefits, such as personal accident insurance program or health insurance.
Top Up
Participants can improve the investment fund through the Top Up facility that can be done at anytime with minimum requirement of Rp. 1.000.000, - (one million rupiah)
• Withdrawal / Redemption Fund
After a period of one year of membership, you can make withdrawals. Especially for partial withdrawal provisions apply:
o Minimum withdrawal Rp. 1.000.000, - (one million rupiah) and
o Minimum of funds remaining Rp. 1.000.000, - (one million rupiah)
Free Look
Rights-free look for 14 days from accepted policies
Premium & Cost Cost
To become a participant Takafulink program you can choose how to pay:
The minimum annual premium of Rp. 2.000.000, - (two million rupiah)
Simultaneously a minimum premium of Rp. 12.000.000, - (twelve million dollars)
Conditions of Participation
Sign o Age: 18 to 65 years
A maximum entry age plus the agreement is 70 years old
Other Important Things
o Participants have the freedom to choose the type of investment
o On the selection of all investment risk is the responsibility of Participants
o The Company does not guarantee the amount of investment performance.
Questions and Answers
What are the advantages which can be given Takafulink Alia?
Alia Takafulink product has a high potential return on investment with the establishment of Investment Fund since its first year.
Whether the participant can learn the policy first?
Yes, participants have the Right to Free View (Free Look Period) to study the contents of the policy for 14 days after the policyholder received. The grace period given for participants to ascertain and agree to the terms set forth in the policy
Do Participants will receive a Transaction Report?
Yes, every year the company will send a Transaction Report that contains the mutation of transactions that occur and the number of units owned by Participant.
What about the Zakat Maal?
For Muslim participants will be accounted for zakat maal end of each calendar year proportional secaar
Where participants can see the development of Unit Price Takafulink?
Participants can see it every Monday and Thursday in the newspaper Bisnis Indonesia, or call Customer Care Takaful.
Takafulink mizan and Istiqomah
Takafulink mizan and Istiqomah
Means of investing as well as Shariah-compliant insurance provided by PT Asuransi Takaful Family. This program offers the optimum investment return with options to suit your preferences.
Investment Options
Takaful Fund Istiqomah
• Offers a way to invest with the results of a stable and safe risk
• In this option all your funds will be placed on fixed-income investment instruments.
Takaful Fund Mizan
• Offers a way to invest with optimal results and risks are moderate.
• In this selection of some of the funds will be placed on fixed-income investment instruments and partly in shares.
Benefits Takafulink
• If the Party longevity until the end of the agreement, will receive the entire Investment Fund
• If the Party is destined to die in the agreement, the heirs will receive Insurance Benefits (Compensation Fund) and the Investment Fund
Insurance Benefits
Takafulink provide insurance benefits (the fund) of 800% of Annual Premium or 125% of Premium at a Time. You can extend the benefits of insurance by adding the Personal Accident Takaful insurance program and / or Health Insurance.
• Top Up
You can increase the investment fund through the Top Up facility that can be done at anytime with minimum requirement of Rp. 1.000.000, - (one million rupiah)
• Transfer of Investments
After a period of one year of membership, you can specify the desired re-investment option
• Withdrawal
After a period of one year of membership, you can make withdrawals. Especially for partial withdrawal provisions apply:
o Minimum withdrawal Rp. 1.000.000, - (one million rupiah) and
o Minimum of funds remaining Rp. 1.000.000, - (one million rupiah)
Funds are used to bear one another or mutual help in case of disaster among the participants. The amount of the diikhlaskan tabarru participants as follows:
• 7.5% of Basic Premium Annual maximum for 8 years
• 1.25% of Basic Premium Simultaneously the maximum for 8 years
Basic Premium
To become a participant Takafulink program you can choose how to pay:
• Annual Premiums
Minimum Rp. 1.000.000, - (one million rupiah) and maximum Rp. 8.000.000, - (eight million dollars)
• Premiums Simultaneously
Minimum Rp. 8.000.000, - (eight million rupiah) and maximum Rp. 64,000,000, - (sixty-four million dollars)
• Fee Policy:
Rp. 50.000, - (Fifty Thousand Rupiah)
• Investment Management Fees:
Maximum of 2.5% per year
• Cost of Top Up:
3% of Top Up Premium
• Withdrawal fee each time:
Maximum Rp. 25.000, - (twenty five thousand rupiah)
• Cost management is charged only in the first year:
32.50% of Annual Basic or Premium
3.75% of Basic Premium Simultaneously
Terms of Participation
• Physically and mentally healthy
• Log Age: 17 to 60 years
• Period of agreement: 16 years to age 17 up to 54 years or period of agreement plus the entry age not exceeding 70 years
Other Important Things
• Participants have the freedom to choose the type of investment
• For the selection of all investment risk is the responsibility of Participants
• The Company does not guarantee the amount of investment performance.
Questions and Answers
Do participants have the facilities leave Premiums (Premium Holiday)?
Yes, you can not make premium payments within a certain period and the insurance is still running all your investment funds sufficient to pay tabarru? and other costs if any.
What about the Zakat Maal
God willing, your investment will be safe and clean, because it has been assessed against your Maal Zakat.
Whether participants could learn the policy first?
Yes, participants have the Right to Free View (Free Look Period). Flexibility for you to learn the contents of the agreement, the rules and conditions for 14 days from the policyholder received. The grace period is provided so you can confirm and agree to the terms set forth in the Policy.
Do Participants will receive a Transaction Report?
Yes, every year the company will send a Transaction Report that contains the mutation of transactions that occur and the number of units owned by Participant.
Where participants can see the development of Unit Price Takafulink?
Participants can see it every Monday and Thursday in the newspaper Bisnis Indonesia, or call Customer Care Takaful.
Means of investing as well as Shariah-compliant insurance provided by PT Asuransi Takaful Family. This program offers the optimum investment return with options to suit your preferences.
Investment Options
Takaful Fund Istiqomah
• Offers a way to invest with the results of a stable and safe risk
• In this option all your funds will be placed on fixed-income investment instruments.
Takaful Fund Mizan
• Offers a way to invest with optimal results and risks are moderate.
• In this selection of some of the funds will be placed on fixed-income investment instruments and partly in shares.
Benefits Takafulink
• If the Party longevity until the end of the agreement, will receive the entire Investment Fund
• If the Party is destined to die in the agreement, the heirs will receive Insurance Benefits (Compensation Fund) and the Investment Fund
Insurance Benefits
Takafulink provide insurance benefits (the fund) of 800% of Annual Premium or 125% of Premium at a Time. You can extend the benefits of insurance by adding the Personal Accident Takaful insurance program and / or Health Insurance.
• Top Up
You can increase the investment fund through the Top Up facility that can be done at anytime with minimum requirement of Rp. 1.000.000, - (one million rupiah)
• Transfer of Investments
After a period of one year of membership, you can specify the desired re-investment option
• Withdrawal
After a period of one year of membership, you can make withdrawals. Especially for partial withdrawal provisions apply:
o Minimum withdrawal Rp. 1.000.000, - (one million rupiah) and
o Minimum of funds remaining Rp. 1.000.000, - (one million rupiah)
Funds are used to bear one another or mutual help in case of disaster among the participants. The amount of the diikhlaskan tabarru participants as follows:
• 7.5% of Basic Premium Annual maximum for 8 years
• 1.25% of Basic Premium Simultaneously the maximum for 8 years
Basic Premium
To become a participant Takafulink program you can choose how to pay:
• Annual Premiums
Minimum Rp. 1.000.000, - (one million rupiah) and maximum Rp. 8.000.000, - (eight million dollars)
• Premiums Simultaneously
Minimum Rp. 8.000.000, - (eight million rupiah) and maximum Rp. 64,000,000, - (sixty-four million dollars)
• Fee Policy:
Rp. 50.000, - (Fifty Thousand Rupiah)
• Investment Management Fees:
Maximum of 2.5% per year
• Cost of Top Up:
3% of Top Up Premium
• Withdrawal fee each time:
Maximum Rp. 25.000, - (twenty five thousand rupiah)
• Cost management is charged only in the first year:
32.50% of Annual Basic or Premium
3.75% of Basic Premium Simultaneously
Terms of Participation
• Physically and mentally healthy
• Log Age: 17 to 60 years
• Period of agreement: 16 years to age 17 up to 54 years or period of agreement plus the entry age not exceeding 70 years
Other Important Things
• Participants have the freedom to choose the type of investment
• For the selection of all investment risk is the responsibility of Participants
• The Company does not guarantee the amount of investment performance.
Questions and Answers
Do participants have the facilities leave Premiums (Premium Holiday)?
Yes, you can not make premium payments within a certain period and the insurance is still running all your investment funds sufficient to pay tabarru? and other costs if any.
What about the Zakat Maal
God willing, your investment will be safe and clean, because it has been assessed against your Maal Zakat.
Whether participants could learn the policy first?
Yes, participants have the Right to Free View (Free Look Period). Flexibility for you to learn the contents of the agreement, the rules and conditions for 14 days from the policyholder received. The grace period is provided so you can confirm and agree to the terms set forth in the Policy.
Do Participants will receive a Transaction Report?
Yes, every year the company will send a Transaction Report that contains the mutation of transactions that occur and the number of units owned by Participant.
Where participants can see the development of Unit Price Takafulink?
Participants can see it every Monday and Thursday in the newspaper Bisnis Indonesia, or call Customer Care Takaful.
Enchanting Takafulink Throughout Year 2012
Enchanting Takafulink Throughout Year 2012
Indonesia's financial markets during 2009 has shown good performance. JCI show performance increases of 86.98% to end at 2534.36 levels and make JCI as the second best performing index in the Asia Pacific region after China. The value of state and corporate bond issues respectively reached 144.54 trillion and 9.28 trillion, up by 22% for state bonds and 99.22% for corporate bonds.
Trends in bond prices showed an increase in line with lower inflation data in 2009 (2.78%), and declining interest rates higher BI rate fell by 18.8% since the beginning of the year to 6.5% at the end of 2009. The rising value of emissions is also followed by increased foreign ownership share of 18.63%, up 11.83% compared to last year, this showed increased foreign confidence in Indonesia's economy.
Takafulink Alia, Mizan and Istiqomah has shown a positive performance throughout 2009. In mid-2009 Takafulink Alia has been cooperating with the external fund manager, PT Shroders Investment Management Indonesia (PT SIMI). PT SIMI is currently the asset management companies with funds under management in Indonesia's largest and achievements gained.
Projected world economic recovery is continuing in 2010 followed by the increasing demand for various commodities. Analysts predict the stock index will still continue pengutannya and bond yields will trend tends to increase with inflation as well as start-end inflation rate. Domestic political stability also will determine the future direction of market movement. Assuming a relatively positive market will certainly have an impact on projections Takafulink more optimal performance in 2010.
Indonesia's financial markets during 2009 has shown good performance. JCI show performance increases of 86.98% to end at 2534.36 levels and make JCI as the second best performing index in the Asia Pacific region after China. The value of state and corporate bond issues respectively reached 144.54 trillion and 9.28 trillion, up by 22% for state bonds and 99.22% for corporate bonds.
Trends in bond prices showed an increase in line with lower inflation data in 2009 (2.78%), and declining interest rates higher BI rate fell by 18.8% since the beginning of the year to 6.5% at the end of 2009. The rising value of emissions is also followed by increased foreign ownership share of 18.63%, up 11.83% compared to last year, this showed increased foreign confidence in Indonesia's economy.
Takafulink Alia, Mizan and Istiqomah has shown a positive performance throughout 2009. In mid-2009 Takafulink Alia has been cooperating with the external fund manager, PT Shroders Investment Management Indonesia (PT SIMI). PT SIMI is currently the asset management companies with funds under management in Indonesia's largest and achievements gained.
Projected world economic recovery is continuing in 2010 followed by the increasing demand for various commodities. Analysts predict the stock index will still continue pengutannya and bond yields will trend tends to increase with inflation as well as start-end inflation rate. Domestic political stability also will determine the future direction of market movement. Assuming a relatively positive market will certainly have an impact on projections Takafulink more optimal performance in 2010.
Home Financial Planning Life Insurance Takaful Falah
Home Financial Planning Life Insurance Takaful Falah
Falah Takaful Insurance
Life Insurance is a program that add some benefits such as accident benefits, health (hospitalization), as well as overall kritis.Manfaat disease;
1.Wafat, could be due to Illness or Accident
2. Permanent Total Disability due to Illness or Accident
3. Permanent Disability due to Accident Part
4. Daily Benefit Fund for the participants admitted to the Hospital
5.Mengalami or suffer critical illness
Takaful taking advantage Falah
1. The benefits of an extensive insurance
Falah Takaful provides complete protection options for participants, consisting of:
Al-Khairat (Term Insurance) - Key Benefits. Given to the heirs if the Participant dies either due to sickness or accident.
Additional benefits comprising;
Accident (Personal Accident)
Additional benefits first. Provided to the Participant or if the Participant dies Heirs or permanent partial disability due to accident.
Permanent Total Disability (Total Permanent Disability)
Additional benefits both. Given to participants when participants had total permanent disability (Disfunction) due to illness or accident.
Inpatient Daily Benefit (Cash Plan)
Additional Benefits of the third. Given to participants during the Participants underwent inpatient in the hospital due to illness or accident.
Cash Plan Benefits Main Benefits adjusted based on the following provisions:
Key Benefits (Al-Khairat) s / d 10 million Cash Plan - 100 (CP100)
Key Benefits (Al-Khairat) s / d 20 million Max. s / d Cash Plan - 200
Key Benefits (Al-Khairat) s / d 30 million Max. s / d Cash Plan - 300
Key Benefits (Al-Khairat) s / d 40 million Max. s / d Cash Plan - 400
Key Benefits (Al-Khairat) over 40 million Max. s / d Cash Plan - 500
Special Illness Benefit (Critical Illness / Dread diseases)
Additional Benefits of the fourth. Given to participants when participants were diagnosed with or experiencing a critical illness in the agreement. Maximum benefit is 50% of fourth Key Benefits.
Diseases critical dicover by Benefit and Critical Illness / Dread Disease
* Stroke
* Cancer
* First Heart Attack
* Coronary Heart Surgery
* Heart Valve Replacement Surgery
* Viral Hepatitis fulminant
* Chronic Liver Disease
* Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (Primary)
* Lung Disease End Stage
* Kidney Failure
* Anemia Apastis
* Important Organ Transplantation
* Loss of ability to see (blind)
* Loss of Hearing Ability (deaf)
* Loss of Speech (mute)
* Comma
* Multiple Sclerosis
* Paralysis
* Muscular Dystrophy
* Alzheimer's Disease
* Disease Motor Neoron
* Parkinson's Disease
* Vessels Aorta Surgery
* Burn Large
Choosing 2.Kebebasan
Participants are given the Freedom of Choosing the type of benefits in accordance with keingainan and needs of participants, meaning that the participants took the Key Benefits That Al-Khairat and enhancements, which. It could take one or all.
This is possible because sometimes there are participants who already have protection against certain benefits for example for the Daily Inpatient Benefit.
Cash 3.Nilai Policy
If the participant lived until the end of the contract, stopping or having a claim resulting membership expires, then the concerned or their heirs will be paid in Cash Value policy which is an accumulation of the following Premium Savings investment results.
4. Sharing Interesting
Falah Takaful will provide funds for the 80% of the Investment Fund Participant in the Savings Account.
Terms of Participation Following Takaful Falah
1. Physically healthy (physically and spiritually) and not experiencing pain or being in care doctor, willing to Conduct a medical examination (medical) in accordance with the provisions set forth Underwriting Company, and follow the provisions established by the Company's Underwriting
2. Period of Insurance Agreement at least 5 years
3. Entry age to become a participant from 17 years to 60 years of age with a calculation based on the anniversary of the treaty terdekat.Usia entry plus a maximum of 65 years.
4. Paying Premiums Takaful
Do payments on an annual basis and at the same time. at least Rp 2.000.000, - (two million rupiah). per year.
Falah Takaful Insurance
Life Insurance is a program that add some benefits such as accident benefits, health (hospitalization), as well as overall kritis.Manfaat disease;
1.Wafat, could be due to Illness or Accident
2. Permanent Total Disability due to Illness or Accident
3. Permanent Disability due to Accident Part
4. Daily Benefit Fund for the participants admitted to the Hospital
5.Mengalami or suffer critical illness
Takaful taking advantage Falah
1. The benefits of an extensive insurance
Falah Takaful provides complete protection options for participants, consisting of:
Al-Khairat (Term Insurance) - Key Benefits. Given to the heirs if the Participant dies either due to sickness or accident.
Additional benefits comprising;
Accident (Personal Accident)
Additional benefits first. Provided to the Participant or if the Participant dies Heirs or permanent partial disability due to accident.
Permanent Total Disability (Total Permanent Disability)
Additional benefits both. Given to participants when participants had total permanent disability (Disfunction) due to illness or accident.
Inpatient Daily Benefit (Cash Plan)
Additional Benefits of the third. Given to participants during the Participants underwent inpatient in the hospital due to illness or accident.
Cash Plan Benefits Main Benefits adjusted based on the following provisions:
Key Benefits (Al-Khairat) s / d 10 million Cash Plan - 100 (CP100)
Key Benefits (Al-Khairat) s / d 20 million Max. s / d Cash Plan - 200
Key Benefits (Al-Khairat) s / d 30 million Max. s / d Cash Plan - 300
Key Benefits (Al-Khairat) s / d 40 million Max. s / d Cash Plan - 400
Key Benefits (Al-Khairat) over 40 million Max. s / d Cash Plan - 500
Special Illness Benefit (Critical Illness / Dread diseases)
Additional Benefits of the fourth. Given to participants when participants were diagnosed with or experiencing a critical illness in the agreement. Maximum benefit is 50% of fourth Key Benefits.
Diseases critical dicover by Benefit and Critical Illness / Dread Disease
* Stroke
* Cancer
* First Heart Attack
* Coronary Heart Surgery
* Heart Valve Replacement Surgery
* Viral Hepatitis fulminant
* Chronic Liver Disease
* Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (Primary)
* Lung Disease End Stage
* Kidney Failure
* Anemia Apastis
* Important Organ Transplantation
* Loss of ability to see (blind)
* Loss of Hearing Ability (deaf)
* Loss of Speech (mute)
* Comma
* Multiple Sclerosis
* Paralysis
* Muscular Dystrophy
* Alzheimer's Disease
* Disease Motor Neoron
* Parkinson's Disease
* Vessels Aorta Surgery
* Burn Large
Choosing 2.Kebebasan
Participants are given the Freedom of Choosing the type of benefits in accordance with keingainan and needs of participants, meaning that the participants took the Key Benefits That Al-Khairat and enhancements, which. It could take one or all.
This is possible because sometimes there are participants who already have protection against certain benefits for example for the Daily Inpatient Benefit.
Cash 3.Nilai Policy
If the participant lived until the end of the contract, stopping or having a claim resulting membership expires, then the concerned or their heirs will be paid in Cash Value policy which is an accumulation of the following Premium Savings investment results.
4. Sharing Interesting
Falah Takaful will provide funds for the 80% of the Investment Fund Participant in the Savings Account.
Terms of Participation Following Takaful Falah
1. Physically healthy (physically and spiritually) and not experiencing pain or being in care doctor, willing to Conduct a medical examination (medical) in accordance with the provisions set forth Underwriting Company, and follow the provisions established by the Company's Underwriting
2. Period of Insurance Agreement at least 5 years
3. Entry age to become a participant from 17 years to 60 years of age with a calculation based on the anniversary of the treaty terdekat.Usia entry plus a maximum of 65 years.
4. Paying Premiums Takaful
Do payments on an annual basis and at the same time. at least Rp 2.000.000, - (two million rupiah). per year.
Through the blessing UnitLink Sharia Investments
Through the blessing UnitLink Sharia Investments
One of the financial planning program is to invest through unitlink. in principle no different from Islamic unitlink unitlink konvensional.perbedaannya insurance companies lies in mutual protection and mutual help among a number of persons or parties through investment in assets. and patterns of return to face a certain risk by contract (agreement) in accordance with sharia.
The differences are detailed with UnitLink Investment Non Sharia (Conventional) Among Others
In its investments, link units may be placed only in the Islamic financial products in accordance with sharia, the Islamic banks such as savings, deposits in Islamic banks, Islamic bonds (sukuk), and shares listed on the List of Islamic Sharia Securities (DES). In addition, unit-linked Islamic charity is also considering the property in its management.
The portion of the placement of funds for the protection (insurance) should also be insured in accordance with the principles of Islam.
Profit sharing in unit-linked Islamic divided between the company and participants in accordance with the proportion of profit sharing principles that have been determined if there is profit in pengelolaannya.Pola for hasi fortify UnitLink Investment in Shariah from the Activity ribawi activities.
Specialty UnitLink Takaful Shariah fund formation starting from the first year, meaning that the fund investment results can already be enjoyed from the first year, some new Other unitLink be enjoyed year-over-3
Seeing how important blessing of UnitLink Sharia, it is fitting to have it ... we support them through UnitLink Takaful salahsatunya Alia with maximum results, but also free of the elements of Riba, Gharar (vagueness), gambling and the elements of elements that are forbidden by Allah.
One of the financial planning program is to invest through unitlink. in principle no different from Islamic unitlink unitlink konvensional.perbedaannya insurance companies lies in mutual protection and mutual help among a number of persons or parties through investment in assets. and patterns of return to face a certain risk by contract (agreement) in accordance with sharia.
The differences are detailed with UnitLink Investment Non Sharia (Conventional) Among Others
In its investments, link units may be placed only in the Islamic financial products in accordance with sharia, the Islamic banks such as savings, deposits in Islamic banks, Islamic bonds (sukuk), and shares listed on the List of Islamic Sharia Securities (DES). In addition, unit-linked Islamic charity is also considering the property in its management.
The portion of the placement of funds for the protection (insurance) should also be insured in accordance with the principles of Islam.
Profit sharing in unit-linked Islamic divided between the company and participants in accordance with the proportion of profit sharing principles that have been determined if there is profit in pengelolaannya.Pola for hasi fortify UnitLink Investment in Shariah from the Activity ribawi activities.
Specialty UnitLink Takaful Shariah fund formation starting from the first year, meaning that the fund investment results can already be enjoyed from the first year, some new Other unitLink be enjoyed year-over-3
Seeing how important blessing of UnitLink Sharia, it is fitting to have it ... we support them through UnitLink Takaful salahsatunya Alia with maximum results, but also free of the elements of Riba, Gharar (vagueness), gambling and the elements of elements that are forbidden by Allah.
How is insurance islamic
In Islamic law, investing activities categorized as economic activities that are included in muamalah activity is an activity that regulate human relationships.
Meanwhile, according to the rules of jurisprudence, legal origin muamalah activities that are permissible (be) which means all the activities in the relationship between human beings is permissible (be) except that indeed there is clearly a ban (forbidden).
This means that when an activity muamalah newly emerging and previously unknown in Islam, then the activity is considered to be permitted except that indeed there are implications from the Qur'an and the Hadith prohibiting it is implicitly or explicitly.
In some classical Islamic literature did not reveal any terms of investment and capital markets, but as an economic activity, these activities can diketegorikan as trading activities (Al Bay).
Sharia fatwas of the National Assembly Council of Ulama Indonesia (DSN-MUI), until 2004, has published as many as 6 (six) related to the capital markets industry. The sixth fatwa is meant is:
1. No.05/DSN-MUI/IV/2000 about the Share Sale and Purchase
2. No.20/DSN-MUI/IX/2000 on Guidelines for Shariah Investment For Mutual Funds
3. No.32/DSN-MUI/IX/2002 about Sharia Bonds;
4. No.33/DSN-MUI/IX/2002 about Sharia Bonds Mudharabah;
5. No.40/DSN-MUI/IX/2003 on the Capital Market and the General Guidelines for Implementation of Islamic Capital Market;
6. No.41/DSN-MUI/III/2004 about Islamic Ijarah Bonds.
Fatwas mentioned above regulate the principles of Islamic capital market that includes an effect that is deemed in compliance with Sharia principles if it has obtained a written statement of compliance from the Islamic DSN-MUI.
As for the stages that must be passed to obtain a certificate / predicate of the DSN-MUI sharia is that the issuer must first present the structure for the results especially with the customers / investors, the transaction structure, the shape of the treaty as an agreement perwali amanatan etc..
Meanwhile, according to the rules of jurisprudence, legal origin muamalah activities that are permissible (be) which means all the activities in the relationship between human beings is permissible (be) except that indeed there is clearly a ban (forbidden).
This means that when an activity muamalah newly emerging and previously unknown in Islam, then the activity is considered to be permitted except that indeed there are implications from the Qur'an and the Hadith prohibiting it is implicitly or explicitly.
In some classical Islamic literature did not reveal any terms of investment and capital markets, but as an economic activity, these activities can diketegorikan as trading activities (Al Bay).
Sharia fatwas of the National Assembly Council of Ulama Indonesia (DSN-MUI), until 2004, has published as many as 6 (six) related to the capital markets industry. The sixth fatwa is meant is:
1. No.05/DSN-MUI/IV/2000 about the Share Sale and Purchase
2. No.20/DSN-MUI/IX/2000 on Guidelines for Shariah Investment For Mutual Funds
3. No.32/DSN-MUI/IX/2002 about Sharia Bonds;
4. No.33/DSN-MUI/IX/2002 about Sharia Bonds Mudharabah;
5. No.40/DSN-MUI/IX/2003 on the Capital Market and the General Guidelines for Implementation of Islamic Capital Market;
6. No.41/DSN-MUI/III/2004 about Islamic Ijarah Bonds.
Fatwas mentioned above regulate the principles of Islamic capital market that includes an effect that is deemed in compliance with Sharia principles if it has obtained a written statement of compliance from the Islamic DSN-MUI.
As for the stages that must be passed to obtain a certificate / predicate of the DSN-MUI sharia is that the issuer must first present the structure for the results especially with the customers / investors, the transaction structure, the shape of the treaty as an agreement perwali amanatan etc..
insurance protection sharia
Takafulink Salam is a mix of investment products based fixed income, fund balance, and equity. The participants offered several choices of insurance placement investments in money market fund Islamic, Sharia-compliant fixed income instruments, as well as on shares sharia.
In addition to the investment offer greetings takafulink provide protection against critical illness benefits (critical illness / dread diseases), loss of limb function (total permanent disability), Accident Protection (Personal Accident) and the Hospital Room Cost (cash plan).
To maintain consistent security and in
vesting funds in Islamic finance, Takaful using two filters, namely the regulation of the Ministry of Finance (in general) and the provisions of the Sharia Supervisory Board (in syar'i). With two filters, the public concerns about the safety of funds as well as Islamic purity can be maintained.
For the participants, insurance premiums can be paid monthly, quarterly, semiannual, annual or lump sum with the agreement of at least 5 years. Minimum premium of Rp2.000.000, - for regular premium or Rp12.000.000, - for the premium all at once
In addition to the investment offer greetings takafulink provide protection against critical illness benefits (critical illness / dread diseases), loss of limb function (total permanent disability), Accident Protection (Personal Accident) and the Hospital Room Cost (cash plan).
To maintain consistent security and in
vesting funds in Islamic finance, Takaful using two filters, namely the regulation of the Ministry of Finance (in general) and the provisions of the Sharia Supervisory Board (in syar'i). With two filters, the public concerns about the safety of funds as well as Islamic purity can be maintained.
For the participants, insurance premiums can be paid monthly, quarterly, semiannual, annual or lump sum with the agreement of at least 5 years. Minimum premium of Rp2.000.000, - for regular premium or Rp12.000.000, - for the premium all at once
how much your aducation cost
And fear Allah let the people suppose to leave behind their children's weak, that they worry about the (welfare) they are. Therefore let them fear Allah, and let them speak right words. (Annisa: 9)
The above verse clearly ordered not to leave our children (next generation) which are classified lemah.perintah strict orders to give emphasis to the word "should fear Allah", meaning that if we are afraid of God based on the above verse does not leave generations of the weak, weak faith, weak because of the ability, as well as weak because of poverty.
How to realize the above paragraph? right effort one is to follow the Education pendidikan.Asuransi insurance is a financial planning program that provides assurance / guarantee that funds will be used for educational expenses kelak.Disebut financial planning for Insurance Education has two elements, namely Investments and Protection.
Investment aims to provide a cash value that can be used for education costs in the coming years so as not eroded by the rate of protection aimed at providing protection inflasi.sedangkan likelihood of failed education plans because the cost of the disaster died for its participants, so beloved baby education plans can continue to happen despite without any of the parents (the participants).
Why education insurance provides protection or protection against the failure of education plans? this was due to insurance education life insurance provides adequate compensation when their parents died either due to sickness / accident, and will provide facilities STOP SAVING (read: invest), when parents (depositors) at risk, which further the company would took over for deposit into the account in the account of child education insurance is up to 18 year olds or will go to college. Furthermore, during your child's college education costs will continue to get up for 4 years until he graduated.
How?, Very interesting is not it? many plans ahead, so many options that may be encountered, for those of you parents who are preparing for the education fund for children's education insurance why not pay attention to this, please contact me through the call 081388570813/email andfadilah@yahoo.co.id to help you .
The above verse clearly ordered not to leave our children (next generation) which are classified lemah.perintah strict orders to give emphasis to the word "should fear Allah", meaning that if we are afraid of God based on the above verse does not leave generations of the weak, weak faith, weak because of the ability, as well as weak because of poverty.
How to realize the above paragraph? right effort one is to follow the Education pendidikan.Asuransi insurance is a financial planning program that provides assurance / guarantee that funds will be used for educational expenses kelak.Disebut financial planning for Insurance Education has two elements, namely Investments and Protection.
Investment aims to provide a cash value that can be used for education costs in the coming years so as not eroded by the rate of protection aimed at providing protection inflasi.sedangkan likelihood of failed education plans because the cost of the disaster died for its participants, so beloved baby education plans can continue to happen despite without any of the parents (the participants).
Why education insurance provides protection or protection against the failure of education plans? this was due to insurance education life insurance provides adequate compensation when their parents died either due to sickness / accident, and will provide facilities STOP SAVING (read: invest), when parents (depositors) at risk, which further the company would took over for deposit into the account in the account of child education insurance is up to 18 year olds or will go to college. Furthermore, during your child's college education costs will continue to get up for 4 years until he graduated.
How?, Very interesting is not it? many plans ahead, so many options that may be encountered, for those of you parents who are preparing for the education fund for children's education insurance why not pay attention to this, please contact me through the call 081388570813/email andfadilah@yahoo.co.id to help you .
Wife Role In Financial Planning
Wife Role In Financial Planning Not a bit of a husband who works at the present time, no or maybe less attention to the role of wives in family financial decision making, when in fact the woman (wife) that most needs to know in detail the daily needs of families and the most determine the impact that will befall keluaraga if the financial condition of chaos as a result prices need to soar high, moderate income families or husbands are still stagnant.
But sometimes the wife is also not a few who do not know how to manage the family finances so that income earned can be optimized with the required steps baik.untuk that financial planning is no small role sistimatis.Melihat then steps can be taken to realize the family financial planning, among others:
Get used to create the post of planning income and expenditure with a mature family, record and calculate carefully, avoid spending less spending on the perceived need is not even necessary at all, set financial priorities, if indeed a lot of expenses that must be done.
If there is still a debt that was paid then the payment plan carefully, pay attention to the ability of the husband to repay the debt noted that financial discipline yourself to put aside to repay debt even as small as possible, especially if it has a mortgage interest rate debt that is not lightweight.
Support the development of all family members especially the husband find useful information for career development, is also important vital support full development, abilities, and quality-anak.dukunglah their children's education so that they can become a successful person.
Make a financial plan for "emergency fund", for example, if a family member who suffered sakit.mungkin anyone asks how to set aside an emergency fund if there are other needs that need to be?,
this is where the role of health insurance because you will get emergency funds from the insurer if there is pain without having to pay a large enough premium to pay only very small when compared with the benefits that will diterima.sehingga your financial planning is not disrupted (read chaotic)
Equally important to make retirement planning and investing for Preparing tua.mulailah day during this period because during this time you are not productive but still must pay for the needs of the necessities of life.
But sometimes the wife is also not a few who do not know how to manage the family finances so that income earned can be optimized with the required steps baik.untuk that financial planning is no small role sistimatis.Melihat then steps can be taken to realize the family financial planning, among others:
Get used to create the post of planning income and expenditure with a mature family, record and calculate carefully, avoid spending less spending on the perceived need is not even necessary at all, set financial priorities, if indeed a lot of expenses that must be done.
If there is still a debt that was paid then the payment plan carefully, pay attention to the ability of the husband to repay the debt noted that financial discipline yourself to put aside to repay debt even as small as possible, especially if it has a mortgage interest rate debt that is not lightweight.
Support the development of all family members especially the husband find useful information for career development, is also important vital support full development, abilities, and quality-anak.dukunglah their children's education so that they can become a successful person.
Make a financial plan for "emergency fund", for example, if a family member who suffered sakit.mungkin anyone asks how to set aside an emergency fund if there are other needs that need to be?,
this is where the role of health insurance because you will get emergency funds from the insurer if there is pain without having to pay a large enough premium to pay only very small when compared with the benefits that will diterima.sehingga your financial planning is not disrupted (read chaotic)
Equally important to make retirement planning and investing for Preparing tua.mulailah day during this period because during this time you are not productive but still must pay for the needs of the necessities of life.
The goal took the life insurance
In a financial planning family finances primarily serves financial protection life insurance if the insured dies. For example, if I was insured of a life insurance product and dies tomorrow, then the insurer will provide insurance money (compensation) to those who I leave behind is my heir.
The goal took the life insurance
1. The goal took the first life insurance to cover the potential loss of revenue caused by the death of the participants (clients) eg If a father as the breadwinner dies, the family will lose a source of income. Now by following this life insurance the family left behind will get a sum assured that can be used as a substitute for the lost revenue, at least temporarily.
2. In addition to covering the potential loss of revenue objective is to take life insurance to cover potential losses caused by the death of the participants (clients)
For example if someone has a debt such as loan arrears are still running or other debt then he needs to have life insurance, because if not, if something bad happen to him so he would incriminate the person who left (to pay the debt)
From the above objective, the question is whether everyone needs life insurance? Of course not, because not everyone has financial obligations, such as an unmarried or have no dependents (children) he has not had a financial obligation, if she dies then her family will grieve, but the death he did not make the heavy family burden financially with note he does not have large amounts of debt.
The new baby a few months old, children, they are another example of people who do not need life insurance, insuring jiwakan they are something quite unnecessary, because they usually have no financial obligations towards his family.
Another example can be seen in the article to anyone who does not need life insurance.
The goal took the life insurance
1. The goal took the first life insurance to cover the potential loss of revenue caused by the death of the participants (clients) eg If a father as the breadwinner dies, the family will lose a source of income. Now by following this life insurance the family left behind will get a sum assured that can be used as a substitute for the lost revenue, at least temporarily.
2. In addition to covering the potential loss of revenue objective is to take life insurance to cover potential losses caused by the death of the participants (clients)
For example if someone has a debt such as loan arrears are still running or other debt then he needs to have life insurance, because if not, if something bad happen to him so he would incriminate the person who left (to pay the debt)
From the above objective, the question is whether everyone needs life insurance? Of course not, because not everyone has financial obligations, such as an unmarried or have no dependents (children) he has not had a financial obligation, if she dies then her family will grieve, but the death he did not make the heavy family burden financially with note he does not have large amounts of debt.
The new baby a few months old, children, they are another example of people who do not need life insurance, insuring jiwakan they are something quite unnecessary, because they usually have no financial obligations towards his family.
Another example can be seen in the article to anyone who does not need life insurance.
7 Reasons Why Sharia Eligible Selected Insurance Education
Insurance Education Foundation as a financial planning education to the baby already widely offered by various types of
insurance companies, whether Islamic or sharia konvensional.Memilih Insurance education is one way to wise in preparing for the education fund because it has advantages as follows;
1.Informasi a clear and transparent
Prospective customers will be given clear information with detailed illustrations Takaful including all costs and benefits that will diterimanya.sehingga will provide assurance that funds will be managed.
2. Cash interest
Participants had substantial savings in the first year because of Takaful wearing only a small management fee.
There 3.Tidak Other costs
There are no additional costs or deductions other than those already mentioned in the illustration of any condition participants would be, for example, breaking a contract in the first year.
4. Avoid unlawful Investment Results
Takaful carefully managed and supervised by the supervisory board of management of sharia. There are no management activities that contain usury, gambling, or from investing in prohibited places such as conventional banks, businesses that contain gambling, liquor and so on.
5.Perlindungan The Complete
If the participant dies destined, then heirs (wife / husband and children) not only gets the sum assured, but also the stages of school funding and scholarships each year from kindergarten to college.
6.Masa Free Premium
There is a premium-free period. Participants do not need to continue to pay premiums, but the child will still receive the scholarship while in college.
7.Amanah and Professional
Takaful agent will work as closely as possible to give good service because it does not solely work for material gain, but well worth the worship.
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insurance companies, whether Islamic or sharia konvensional.Memilih Insurance education is one way to wise in preparing for the education fund because it has advantages as follows;
1.Informasi a clear and transparent
Prospective customers will be given clear information with detailed illustrations Takaful including all costs and benefits that will diterimanya.sehingga will provide assurance that funds will be managed.
2. Cash interest
Participants had substantial savings in the first year because of Takaful wearing only a small management fee.
There 3.Tidak Other costs
There are no additional costs or deductions other than those already mentioned in the illustration of any condition participants would be, for example, breaking a contract in the first year.
4. Avoid unlawful Investment Results
Takaful carefully managed and supervised by the supervisory board of management of sharia. There are no management activities that contain usury, gambling, or from investing in prohibited places such as conventional banks, businesses that contain gambling, liquor and so on.
5.Perlindungan The Complete
If the participant dies destined, then heirs (wife / husband and children) not only gets the sum assured, but also the stages of school funding and scholarships each year from kindergarten to college.
6.Masa Free Premium
There is a premium-free period. Participants do not need to continue to pay premiums, but the child will still receive the scholarship while in college.
7.Amanah and Professional
Takaful agent will work as closely as possible to give good service because it does not solely work for material gain, but well worth the worship.
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